Flex Flex_USA_-_01_02_2018 | Page 160

LAST SET POSEDOWN BY GREG MERRITT ANSLEY VS. THE 2017 CLASSIC PHYSIQUE OLYMPIA WINNER TAKES ON A MR. OLYMPIA TOP CONTENDER. heavyweight, carries much more muscle than Ansley, the 2013 USA middleweight winner, they’re both celebrated for deep separation and fine detailing— especially in their quads and backs—as well as their freaky collections of body parts. In some ways, Bonac looks like a supersized version of Ansley, but the latter champ has one clear advantage with his miniscule midsection. In a bodybuilding comparison, Ansley would get bulldozed, and yet he’d smoke Bonac in a classic physique clash. Neither will ever happen, leaving us to ponder which body is better. IT’S EASY TO FOCUS on the 40 or so pounds that separate Breon Ansley from William Bonac and think their physiques share little in common. In fact, both 5'7" bodybuilders debuted, not that long ago, in the 212 division—Bonac in 2012 and Ansley in 2014— before, after one year each, moving on to their natural homes. For Bonac, that’s the open division, where he finished third in the 2017 Mr. Olympia, while for Ansley it’s classic physique, where he’s the new Olympia champ. Though the Ghanaian-Dutchman, Bonac, a former