Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 87

Exercise 2
Swiss Ball Raises : ( Straight Legs ) Start this exercise lying face down on a mat . With straight legs , take the ball in-between your ankles , squeezing the ball with your feet . Relaxing the top half of your body , hover the ball just above the ground , then raise the ball as high as is comfortable , being mindful not to engage your lower back . When performing this version , do NOT bend your knees in any way . Remember , your hips are the pivot .
Once you are comfortable with this exercise , you will perform each of your 20 reps with a 3 second hold at the top of the movement , making sure you are squeezing the ball and keeping your legs fixed straight .
Exercise 3
( Bent Legs ) As above- but at all times the legs are fixed in a bent position . Remember , your hips are the pivot .
MARCH 2018 | FLEX 85