Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 81

Once this state is reached you are in a state of ketosis whereby the brain and tissues run off ketones as opposed to glucose and you ’ re on your way to becoming a genuine fat burning machine !
Once I ’ m keto adapted what ’ s next ? After the initial induction period of 2-3 weeks there are many ways to personalise this diet to make it more of a lifestyle based diet , and / or performance-based diet .
Three versions of the modified ketogenic diet that are best known and applied are the standard ketogenic diet , targeted ketogenic diet and a cyclical ketogenic diet .
Standard – This is very simple , its simply to continue the same style of eating that that was used during the adaptation phase : 75 % fat , 20 % protein and 5 % carbohydrate . This is consistently adhered to 7 days a week and calorific intake adjusted up or down once adapted to fit the goal requirements .
Targeted – Here some carbohydrate ’ s are allowed , typically 30-50g , however , this can be increased depending on the demands of the person / athlete adopting the diet . The key here is that these carbohydrates should be targeted around the workout period . This would mean taking in some carbs pre-workout , or intra , or some post-workout carbohydrates , however , I would place the emphasis here on pre-workout intake as its going to be used up during the workout to fuel training and quickly allow the transition back into ketosis after training . There are complexities here
which I shall expand upon in coming articles .
Cyclical – This is possibly the most popular version of the ketogenic diet , and was first promoted by Dr Mauro Di Pasquale when he released his anabolic diet . Later adaptations by Kiefer with carb night have also raised awareness recently . The cyclical approach means that periodically carbohydrates will be reintroduced for a set time period varying typically from 1 meal to 1 day ; for example , Monday - Saturday a standard ketogenic diet will have been adhered too and on a Sunday carbohydrates will be consumed before resuming with standard keto eating on the Monday . This serves the purpose of allowing the athlete to have a more flexible lifestyle and retain an element of positive social interactions , plus also replenishing glycogen stores to fuel another week ’ s intense training .
Whichever ketogenic diet approach you adopt , when applied appropriately and diligently , individuals typically experience a very noticeable boost to mental and physical performance , alongside a reduction in body fat , and potentially an increase in lean muscle tissue .
Next month , we will explain how to create your own ketogenic diet , calculating each part of the diet to your requirements .
Joe Binley : founder of CustomizingKeto . com Instagram : @ joeb _ ad
Web : www . projectad . me
MARCH 2018 | FLEX 79