Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 100

“We generally try to hit failure inside the 6-12 rep range. On the drop sets, we may perform as many as 30-50 reps. We start out with a weight that we can do around 5-6 reps with, before dropping the weight and increasing the reps. We repeat this process until we hit com- plete failure.” Monday Chest 1 Flat bench press or smith machine press. 2 Incline hammer strength press. 3 Super set dumbbell fly’s into dumbbell presses. 4 Incline fly’s, and super set with cable fly’s. Tuesday Back 1 Wide grip cable pull downs. 2 Barbell rows. 3 One handed plate loaded machine rows. 4 Close grip cable rows, and super set with pullovers. 5 Dead lifts. Wednesday Rest 98 FLEX | MARCH 2018