Flex Flex UK - January 2018 | Page 27

1ST SET FITNESS GOOD BREW There’s more to the good vibes that come from beer than just booze: A special ingredient called hordenine, which is found in malted barley, can stimulate the brain’s reward centre and boost your spirits, according to recent research published in the journal Scientific Reports. HIIT NOT FOR EVERYONE HIIT is tough for even top athletes. But when out-of-shape people try it, they often abandon it, according to a recent study from Iowa State U. When you’re pedaling/running/rowing/jumping as hard as possible, that means your workout will be fairly unpleasant. And while some type A masochists enjoy CrossFitting themselves to a pulp every morning, that same workout intensity can inevitably propel regular, I-just-wanna-lose-five- pounds folks away from exercising. RETHINK THAT CHEAT MEAL JUST ONE HOUR A NEW META-ANALYSIS THAT APPEARED IN THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY FOUND THAT JUST 60 MINUTES OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PER WEEK COULD REDUCE DEPRESSION DIAGNOSES BY 12%—THAT’S RIGHT, JUST ONE HOUR A WEEK. AND ANOTHER STUDY PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL SPORTS MEDICINE FOUND THAT HITTING THE IRON CAN REDUCE SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY SIMILARLY TO THE EFFECTS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY OR MEDICATION. STEP IT UP As you get older, fat will start creeping onto your waistline. But a new study out of the U. of Jyväskylä in Finland on more than 1,000 adults who either increased, maintained, or decreased their daily step count over four years found that those who bumped up their step count by 2,000 maintained their BMI, but those who kept their activity at the same level or dropped off increased their body weight. OIL UP WITH SOYBEAN Pigging out on “bad fats”— even just for 24 hours— could be more damaging than originally thought. In a small study at Loughborough U. in the U.K., researchers fed 15 healthy, young adults a diet packed with greasy stuff like bacon, sausage, and cheesecake for one day. They then gave the participants a sugary drink followed by an oral glucose- tolerance test. The finding? After eating all that fat, the participants’ bodies were substantially worse at handling sugar, which is linked to a reduction in insulin sensitivity. A new Iowa State study found that when 12 young adults ate varying levels of soybean oil with their salad ingredients, their bodies could more easily absorb eight nutrients, including alpha and beta carotene, lutein, lycopene, and vitamin A. About 32 grams (or about two tablespoons) of oil allowed for the maximum absorption of the nutrients. JANUARY 2018 | FLEX 25