Flex F_UK_2018 | Page 47

THE BEST MUSCLE BUILDING SPLIT FOR INTERMEDIATES I F YOUR GOAL IS TO build muscle, lose body fat and transform your physique, your focus in the gym should be to trigger muscle protein synthesis and stop training. If your current workout split looks something along the lines of… 30 sets of chest on Monday 30 sets of back on Tuesday 30 sets of legs on Wednesday And so on… Then you’re probably hammering way too much volume. To build muscle, you want a large disparity between protein synthesis and protein breakdown. Excessive volume will only lead to more protein breakdown, depleted glycogen stores and increased cortisol beyond the necessary levels required for effective training adaptation. Because of these factors, your ability to recover from your work- outs diminishes. If you can’t recover, you can’t get stronger. And if you can’t be progressive with your training, your body won’t change. Muscle Growth In Response to Stress Muscles grow bigger in response to stress. When your body is subject- ed to new stress, it responds by adapting and becoming stronger. But if the stress is too intense or too long, the muscles won’t have the necessary recovery capacity to INSPIRED BY THE DORIAN YATES 1983-1986 TRAINING PROGRAMME I BELIEVE THE NUMBER ONE MISTAKE THAT NATURAL LIFTERS MAKE IS DOING TOO MUCH VOLUME, SO WHEN I SAW THIS TRAINING PROGRAMME THAT THE LEGEND DORIAN YATES HAD WRITTEN, I TRIED IT AND IT WORKED BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE I HAD USED BEFORE. BY AKASH VAGHELA PHOTOGRAPHS BY BEN MARK adapt, which is what happens when you bomb a muscle with 7 different exercises for 5 sets of each. When you perform this many sets, your intensity level actually goes down – it’s impossible to train hard and long at the same time! When you cut your volume in half, you’ll be able to train harder, get stronger, put more into each set, and provide the extra stress necessary to force adaptation without exceeding your recovery capacity. Adding more sets doesn’t accom- plish anything besides burning into your energy stores and cutting into your body’s ability to rebuild new muscle tissue. The Logic Think about it. If you perform 1 set with all out intensity, what will another set do? Maybe it taps off any remaining motor units that were left untouched in the first set. So what about the third set? Maybe that’s your ‘insurance policy’ set. But the 4th, 5th, 6th? Now you’re wasting time, energy and resources. Whether you’re a man or a woman, i