Fleur-De-Lis Connection Volume 26, Issue 9 | Page 3

KMA PASSES GLMS RESOLUTIONS (CONTINUED) ing service to patients, organized medicine and the community at large. Several members of GLMS were also elected as AMA Delegates and AMA Alternate Delegates. Dr. Burns and AMA Vice Speaker, KMA Speaker Bruce Scott, MD, were elected as AMA Delegates. Dr. Couch and Robert Zaring, MD, were elected as AMA alternates. Russell Williams, MD, was elected as an alternate KMA Trustee for Louisville, District 5. GLMS RESOLUTIONS REVIEWED BY KMA HOUSE OF DELEGATES »» Amend Limitation on AMA Delegates This resolution amends the KMA bylaws to elect a replacement AMA delegate. In the event that an AMA delegate from the KMA is elected to a speaker position within the AMA, this change allows the KMA to put forth a new delegate to take the elected official’s place as they can no longer vote as a delegate. The new delegate’s term shall continue only for the duration of the original delegate’s term as AMA Speaker or Vice-Speaker. Status: Adopted »» 80% Colorectal Screening by 2018 This resolution asks the KMA to actively promote activities which support colorectal screening and to join organizations committing to the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable “80% by 2018” goal. Status: Adopted »» Assist Primary Care Physicians Who Provide Mental Health Care This resolution resolves the KMA to study possible solutions for equipping primary care physicians with more tools to provide appropriate care for patients with mental issues, offer more education to primary care physicians involving mental health issues and advocate for payment mechanisms which allow adequate funding of mental health care. Status: Adopted »» Improving Drug Abuse Treatment This resolution resolves KMA to explore ways in which persons in need of medication-based addiction treatment may have access provided to them. It also asks for the KMA to work towards the expansion of mental health and addiction treatment in all forms of drug abuse. Status: Adopted »» Lowering Drug Abuse with Abuse Deterrent Opioids (ADO) This resolution asks the KMA to support legislation which requires coverage for Abuse Deterrent Opioid products on a basis equal to that of non-ADOs and encourage Kentucky physicians to become educated on the use of ADO products. Status: Referred to KMA Board for review »» Promotion of Free Healthful Lifestyles Events This resolution asks KMA to encourage and actively promote communities to have free events promoting healthful lifestyles. Status: Adopted »» Medicaid Prescriber Only Participating Status This resolution resolves that KMA urge the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services to reinstate the “Prescriber Only” status for physicians and other providers throughout the Kentucky Medicaid program. Status: Adopted »» Vision Testing at Driver’s License Renewal This resolution resolves the KMA to work towards passage of legislation requiring the testing of vision at the time of driver’s license renewal in Kentucky. Status: Adopted Other KMA officers for the 2015-16 year include President Theodore Miller, MD, President-Elect Nancy C. Swikert, MD, and Vice President Brent Wright, MD. Congratulations to all physicians elected by the house. Monica Ann Shaw, MD, MA, was awarded the KMA’s Educational Achievement Award for 2015 as an individual who has made outstanding contributions to medical education. Keynote speaker Kevin Pho, MD, from kevinmd. com with Dr. Bob Couch. Mary Helen Davis, MD, and James Patrick Murphy, MD, MMM, were recognized for completing the Kentucky Medical Association’s Community Connector Leadership Program. GLMS NEWS SEPTEMBER 2015 Go to www.glms.org to see resolutions in their entirety 3