The Real-World Testing Program – which started testing at the end of July in Geelong , Victoria – will provide Australian fleet managers with relevant fuel consumption and driving emissions results to help guide purchasing decisions .
In 2017 , the Australian Automobile Association ( AAA ) ran a pilot real-world testing program to evaluate the difference between laboratory results being achieved by car makers and the on-road performance of popular cars .
Of the 30 new cars tested on the road , only three saw similar fuel consumption to their lab test results . Vehicles used up to 59 % more fuel on-road and the average additional consumption was 23 %.
Since then , the AAA has been calling for an independent real-world testing program to provide consumers with improved information and ensure new car buyers can get relevant information on the fuel consumption and environmental performance of different vehicles . It has been a long fight , but with the support of
AfMA and other key stakeholders , we had a win last year .
In October 2022 , the Australian Government allocated $ 14 million to fund the Real-World Testing Program for four years . The AAA is managing the program on behalf of the Government and has established an in-house team and hired specialist testing contractors .
The program will test 200 cars , SUVs , utes , and vans over the next four years . Test drives will follow prescribed testing protocols based on the European Commission ’ s Real Driving Emissions test procedure , adapted for Australian driving conditions and speed limits . First results will be published on the realworld . org . au website in late 2023 .
Fleets crucial to program ’ s success
Australian fleet managers will be among the first beneficiaries of real-world testing .
Fleet purchasers are motivated by the key factors that the program is measuring – fuel consumption and vehicle emissions . Real-world testing results can help them improve budget
8 ISSUE 41 JULY 2023 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU