FLEETDRIVE overall satisfaction in the Canstar Blue ’ s 2022 Fuel card ratings .
By applying for a 7-Eleven Fuel Pass today , you could earn excellent fuel discounts at 7-Eleven fuel stores . Imagine the impact this could have on your fleet ’ s operational costs .
Simplicity is key when it comes to fleet management , and the 7-Eleven Fuel Pass delivers just that . Joining is simple , with no lockin contracts to worry about . With 44 paymentfree days and the choice of payment methods , managing your expenses becomes a breeze . 7-Eleven Fuel Pass also offers a flexible range of card controls , allowing you to tailor the options to suit your fleet ’ s specific needs . Whether you require fuel only , fuel and vehicle-related products such as oils and car washes , or even the convenience of purchasing from a 7-Eleven store , or a little bit of everything , there ’ s an option that ’ s perfect for your fleet .
Additionally , 7-Eleven Fuel Pass provides access to fuel discounts at over 600 7-Eleven fuel stores across NSW , ACT , VIC , QLD , and WA . And as the cherry on top , 7-Eleven Fuel Pass can be used at over 6,000 fuel outlets that accept WEX Motorpass . How ’ s that for unbeatable convenience ?
Don ’ t let fuel and vehicle expenses drain your fleet ’ s resources . Embrace the refreshing convenience of 7-Eleven Fuel Pass and experience unparalleled savings , simplicity , and customer satisfaction .
Call 0475 285 973 or email us at fuelpass @ 7eleven . com . au to find out how 7-Eleven Fuel Pass can make running your fleet Wonderfully Easier .
ISSUE 41 JULY 2023 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU 21