FleetDrive 37 - October 2022 | Page 5

• Ensuring Grey Fleet drivers drive safely and within legislative requirements
• Knowing the Grey Fleet vehicle is safe and adequately maintained ( ie . roadworthy ), with regular servicing undertaken
• Checking that a Grey Fleet driver has the correct motor insurance for business travel
• Having clear policies and procedures to ensure Grey Fleet drivers know what is expected of them
• Providing advice , education and training to Grey Fleet drivers on their safe driving obligations and understanding of the risks
• Undertaking Grey Fleet driving risk assessments , which include simple checks and preventative measures to ensure drivers are safe and compliant
Organisations may also have a responsibility to ensure they keep thorough records to demonstrate appropriate policies and procedures have been developed and implemented . Further evidence should also be available , acknowledging risks are well managed and risk mitigation strategies have been successfully implemented .
Managing Grey Fleet vs Traditional Fleet
When an organisation realises they have the same fleet safety management responsibilities for Grey Fleet vehicles as their own vehicle fleet , it ’ s the first step in establishing a risk management approach that must recognise the specific additional risks associated with Grey Fleet .
Effectively , specific policies and procedures are necessary for operating Grey Fleet to mitigate or manage the safety risks .
Key to the management differences is the ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ nature and ‘ psychological ownership ’ of Grey Fleet vehicles that presents specific safety management challenges . We see that Grey Fleet safety risk management are often not appropriately addressed as the vehicles are not under the direct daily management of the organisation .
Major Considerations
For those taking on the challenge of appropriately considering Grey Fleet policy , procedure and management practices you may wish to consider the following important aspects :
• Policies – a specific Grey Fleet Policy will be necessary and a Code Of Conduct is considered appropriate
• Vehicle Safety / Management – plenty to encompass here , including :
° Types : What types of vehicles should be included
° Safety Rating : What minimum standard will be set
° Age : What maximum vehicle age should apply
° Maintenance : What requirements will be put in place and how will they be managed
° Fit For Purpose : Any specific vehicle requirements necessary
° Trip Management : Requirements for pre-start checklists etc .
° Registration : Verifying current registration status
• Driver Safety / Management – and more to encompass here , including :
° Licencing : How current licences and infringements will be monitored
° Insurance : Policy requirements and monitoring ° Breakdowns : How will they be managed
° Driver Training / Education : Requirements to be defined and managed
° Accidents : How will they be handled
° Fatigue Management , Road Rules & Driver Behaviour : Organisation expectations and requirements to be stated and acknowledged by drivers
Based on the management disciplines considered necessary to effectively manage Grey Fleet , it ’ s likely there will be considerable gaps in existing policies , procedures , available resources and systems currently utilised in the management of the existing company fleet .
Accordingly , it will likely be necessary for each organisation to consider who will take internal accountability , and to identify suitable internal or externals systems necessary to undertake Grey Fleet management .
Paul Oliver is the Director & Principal Consultant of Fleet Advisory . Paul provides independent expert advice and fleet consulting services to business , not for profit organisations & government – see Fleet Advisory for more information .