FleetDrive 37 - October 2022 | Page 11




Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to the mobile workplace . For fleet managers and operators , this entails developing and implementing a sound safety program which will not only improve the safety of drivers and road users but will also reduce accidents and potential liability for organisations .
Promoting a safe workplace environment for fleets is not always easy with the plethora of factors that are involved . From driver training to vehicle repair and maintenance , to creating policies and procedures , fleet operators and managers have a lot to juggle .
The good news is there is a wide array of tools and services that can make fleet safety easier to manage . In the following pages , our trusted suppliers and corporate partners will be showing us some of the latest solutions that can optimise our fleet safety programs .
ISSUE 37 OCTOBER 2022 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU 11