Fleetdrive 29 - June 2021 | Page 29

What are the dilemmas that you think can put councils off investing in EV technology right away ?
I think all councils want to invest in EVs but there are challenges . For us we know that an electric truck is roughly a hundred thousand dollars more than a stock standard truck so we have to weigh up the economic benefits . I ’ d encourage councils to consider undertaking a whole life of cost analysis relating to the benefits of having EVs in its fleet and whether those benefits outweigh any consequences like the inability to double shift until there is fast charging . I think that will be the game changer . Once your Council can have fast charging infrastructure on site it allows a lot more flexibility for rostering .
Would you recommend the Bucher Municipal ’ s EV refuse vehicles and compact sweepers ?
I would need to have them for longer to really make a better judgement , but I ’ m all for it because it ’ s a sturdy garbage truck . Bucher Municipal garbage trucks have always been extremely reliable and they have been one of the leading garbage compaction manufacturers for a long time . Councils would need to make their own judgements about what manufacturer they go with as every provider has their strengths and weaknesses , and these can vary significantly depending on your needs .
For more information about the new Bucher Municipal electric models , click www . buchermunicipal . com . au or call on 1800 BUCHER ( 1800 242 437 )
ISSUE 29 JUNE 2021 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU 29