different ways of thinking about their fleet . We try to provide that .”
Previous webinars have covered topics such as HR Benefits , case studies from Europe and vertical segment analysis . Oliver says that they plan to continue in this way , with the next webinar likely to be focussed on Employee Wellness and the link to fleet .
Global Consulting in Australia
The Connector Group is based in Tokyo and operates in a variety of locations around the world but has recently ramped up their presence in both Australia and New Zealand . CEO Yves Helven says that he sees some interesting potential in both countries for innovative fleet management .
“ Both Australia and New Zealand are quite sophisticated countries that operate on a global footing ,” he says , “ but there is the potential for improvements , especially around fleet
management . In Europe , for example , almost half of all fleets engage external consultants , but in Australia that number is much lower .”
Helven believes that this will change and says that a part of the issue is ensuring that the Connector offering is properly localised for the ANZ market . “ We ’ ve recently appointed partners in Sydney , Canberra and Auckland and we plan to continue that expansion . We ’ re confident that we can add value in the region and hope to become part of the fleet landscape here .”
For more information about Connector or the M15 Webinar series , contact Shane Curran ( shane . curran @ connector . expert ) or Paul Oliver ( Paul . Oliver @ connector . expert )
ISSUE 25 OCTOBER 2020 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU 27