as well as an incident and infringement register .
Safety is our number one priority at IntelliTrac . It is a top-down cultural approach which propagates throughout the business and onto our clients .
3 . What cost savings have you noticed from customers that have utilised your telematics ?
“ De fleeting ”. Fleet managers are able to quickly identify underutilised vehicles and either transfer them to other departments or choose to dispose of them .
Using IntelliTrac ’ s Telematics Car-Pool software to maximise utilisation of management vehicles during the day where they would normally just be sitting idle .
Savings in maintenance and fuel due to better driving behaviour .
Improved work efficiency as a result of better work order routing and scheduling with Bizzow .
Fuel Tax Credits maximisation and substantiation .
Savings in repairs due to preventative maintenance systems and alerts .
FBT administrative savings .
4 . What are some of the ongoing challenges that you think will affect the automotive industry moving forward ?
Electric vehicles requiring less maintenance and having longer lifecycles will result in reduced new car sales . IntelliTrac will be embarking on an electric vehicle program for its next fleet replacement .
• Working from home means a reduced need for company vehicles for managers and sales staff .
• Car-Pooling / Rideshare ( Post Covid-19 ) Better utilised vehicles will affect new car sales .
5 . What would you say to businesses that aren ’ t currently utilising telematics ?
That ’ s simple : -
• They are running blind . Sooner or later it will bite them .
• They are piecing together data from manually entered processes which are inefficient and possibly inaccurate due to manual entry errors .
• They don ’ t have immediate visibility to emerging issues or trends .
• You can ’ t make good decisions without good data .
6 . Is there a specific telematics product or feature that you have developed that you think makes a fleet managers life easier ?
• We provide a complete solution which becomes a single source of truth by combining vehicle acquisition and disposal processes , fleet management , driver behaviour , work order scheduling , electronic forms , fuel and service management and expense monitoring . The vast data collected can be easily displayed in our i-cubed dashboard ( IntelliTrac Image Intuition ) allowing fleet managers to make intuitive decisions about their vehicles ’ cost of ownership .
14 ISSUE 25 OCTOBER 2020 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU