“It’s clear that the writing is on the wall in terms of older vehicles
within the mining sector – it’s not a matter of if but when.”
ERO Automotive is the coming together
of two industry influencers: Dave Mitchell,
who grew the race car component
company Autosport Engineering into 4WD
industry heavyweight High Performance Diesel
and Tim Possingham, a renowned export
marketing consultant with expertise within the
global motorsport industry.
To achieve its ambitious goal of producing
zero emission vehicles, the team has sourced
electrical and mechanical engineers with
specialised skills to develop the ZERO product
range and capitalise on the exhaustive list of
capabilities that ZERO possesses. For Tim it is
this state-of-the-art design and manufacturing
technology combined with knowledge and
expertise that allows the organisation to deliver
innovative, tough and user-friendly products.
“ZERO Automotive came together mainly for
making and upgrading components for vehicles
within the mining sector,” he says.
“We already knew what was happening in the
mining space in terms of global mining standards
including implementing a zero emissions target
by 2030. It’s clear that the writing is on the wall in
terms of older vehicles within the mining sector –
it’s not a matter of if but when.”
For Tim and Dave achieving this dream all came
down to leadership and trying to be ahead of the
curve. The message from them is simple when it
comes to zero emissions vehicles – “the wave is
coming and the wave is like a tidal wave”
“We wanted to lead it, be on the front foot and
develop a product that fits this evolving market,”
Tim says. “We finished our ZED70 vehicle in
September 2019 and we tested it in the field and
launched it publicly in October 2019.”
The ZED70 (zero emissions drive) vehicle is a
testament to the work of Tim and the team –
sleek in design and boasting some serious specs
all while remaining completely emissions free. The
hardest part of any new product is convincing