Flavors To Indulge In With E-Cigarettes July 28, 2014 | Page 5

Tobacco If you are still looking and longing for the taste of good old tobaccos, then you can have one with e-cigarettes. Tobacco flavors can also imitate that strong and intense scent you can usually smell from the real ones. If you are already a hardcore tobacco user, then this flavor is perfect for you. Chocolate Satisfy your sweet tooth with this enchanting flavor. Chocolate eliquids usually comes out in smooth, creamy taste when inhaled by ecig smokers. It also has variations in nicotine intensities ranging from 2.4%, 1.8%, 1.2%, 0.6% and 0%. Finally you can have your chocoholic experience with this e-liquid flavor. Cola Your all-time favorite soda is also included in the long list of ecig flavors. Its cartridge color also matches with the shade of your favorite soda. Crisp and smooth to your taste, cola flavor also comes with varied intensities with its nicotine content. There are still a long list of flavors which will soon come out as e-liquids in many electronic cigarette items. Who knows, your favorite snack or drink will be the next one to surface out in famous ecig brands.