Flavor616 October 2013 | Page 25

The setting is Bistro Chloe Elan; the Guest Chef is Chris Perkey. Already I am aesthetically pleased and salivating in expectation of the great food and wine to come. I sense that this feeling is shared with many of the other guests, who are abuzz with anticipation. The room feels elegant and electric! Proprietor Christine Gill, who, in addition to being a well respected restaurateur, is also known for her musical talent, has assembled a vibrant and eclectic group of guests for the evening. Tonight her main focus will be providing a delicious, authentic, locally sourced menu, complemented by high quality, unique wines. She does not disappoint! Guest Chef Chris Perkey, who previously collaborated with Ms. Gill during his time as Executive Chef at The Sierra Room, begins our culinary journey with a simple yet sophisticated course of salmon tartare with roasted red peppers, citrus vinaigrette, and caviar. It is a strong indication of more good things to come! The six courses on tonight’s menu are very diverse and well executed. My personal favorite was the Mare e Monti, a lobster ravioli topped with slow cooked pork belly and poached cherries, and finished with English peas and “Salsa di Maiale.” The gentleman seated to my left, however, is clearly more i \?\??Y?HH?Y???\??H??[Y[X???[???Z\?Y?[??[???\?YY??X?\??\\?Y?]??X[^H?[?K??????H?X?K[????[X\?H[X??]X?K??]\???]??H][???H??\?[???XX????\??H\?H??[H??\??Y???YH\?8?'??[8?'H\???H[[??&\??\?[??X?\?H?]H[??\??\??Y?[??\[Y[?H?]\?[?X]]H?H??\H?]?\???H?[?HZ\?[???\?H?\?H?\?Y?[H?[X?Y [???[?\??\?H?\??Y ??X\????H[\\?X[?]?\?Y?H?]?\?X??\?]H[?YX?][?[\??\[???XX?Z\?[??[??\????[??H[?[?\?Z[?[??]H??[?H???Y\?Y?H8?'?]?[???\??K??'HH[???H[?[?[??\??\??[??B?H[?\?H^\?Y[??H\??X?[]]Y?HH?\?H??\??[?[??Z]?Y????\?H]H??Z\??[YH?\?]?[?[???[?H?\?K?\?X[H[Y?[??][?????][???Y???\?\??^HXZ?\?H[???[??[Y[??]]\?\?YX\?H?[?H?[?[??H?]?\?X?\?Y[???????[??\Y?]?[?X]\?H??\?X?]Y?Y]\??X?X?H][X[??Z\?[?K?H?[????Z] \?H]?B??Y[?^?]Y??\??^?[?\?H?[??HH???[?????\?Z?\?H?[[?X\??[??\Y? HH?YHX????B??X??\??[?Y[??\?]Y?]H[[??\???\??Y?K??H??\??[??\?[?H?H??Y[?\??]??\?]\?[? ?\?\?[?H]\?X?[?\X?]O??[?Y?\??^HXZ?B?[??\?\X\?[??H[?H?]?[?]??H[[??K????K?H??YH[?H??X??][??]?Y[?H??B??????N??Y??Y?B??]?????