BACKGROUND INFORMATION O N YOSEMITE™ VARIETY CHERRY The second commercially marketed cultivar from Warmerdam Packing LLC’s Sequoia club program is the Glenrock, marketed under the trademark name Yosemite. The timing of the Yosemite cherry is about ten days after the Sequoia and Brooks, and about seven to ten days before the Bing variety. The Glenrock was naturally hybridized in 1990 by removing a seed from the Tulare variety cherry, cracking it open, and germinating it with wild pollen. Open pollen germination is used by geneticists to capture recessive traits. The Glenrock was initially grown as a seedling without the benefit of a cultivated rootstock, and as such, was not immediately identified as demonstrating desirable characteristics. In 1995, after asexual propagation onto commercial rootstock, the cultivar was identified as having desirable characteristics. The Glenrock commercial production is now grown on commercially cultivated rootstock. The most desirable characteristics of the Yosemite cherry are its eating experience, firmness and increased postharvest shelf life. The Yosemite cherry is typically harvested at about 20 degrees brix; many samples will range from 22 brix to 24 brix under normal circumstances. [Rare samples have been harvested even as high as 30 degrees brix.] To date, a typical Yosemite cherry is measurably firmer than competing varieties at the same timeframe, and the firmness adds crunch to the eating experience. The geneticist’s notes on the variety reflect a cherry that is large in size, firm in texture, dark red in skin color, red in flesh color and deliciously sweet in flavor demonstrating a balance between acid and sweetness.