Flashmag! Issue 147 January 2024 Flashmag! Numéro 147 Flashmag! Issue 147 January 2024 Flashmag! Numéro 147 | Page 14

others understand that misery is a blessed bread that enables them to maintain a blanket of obscurantism and ignorance that can only be beneficial to the privilege and almost absolute power they enjoy over their fellow citizens , who are often far from knowing that they have rights . However , in a society where information circulates and where we can achieve a quasirevolution that often overthrows the corrupt class , as we ' ve seen here and there , recently in Africa with the wave of coups d ' états that are as much an attempt to get rid of the old colonial and slave-owning world as they are attempts by this old system to take on new clothes without changing its body , let alone its mind ; It ' s important to know that the new generation of leaders coming to power will face the same scourges that the corrupt caste has endured , and sometimes weakly fought against in a burst of dignity , so as not to lose face completely , or served to profit from and maintain itself in power for as long as possible . The power of the master , in most cases in Black Africa , has always been reflected in the longevity in power of his most devoted servants . Now that globalism has become an oblique reality , turning Africa into the republic of the damned of the earth , it ' s time for Africans to take their destiny into their own hands , by tackling their most pressing problems in a reality that ' s becoming increasingly pressing with the new generation of Africans who see in real time what ' s being done elsewhere , and try to understand why nothing works at home . If this sad reality was facilitated by the quality of the more Afroconscious content of the social networks of the 2010 decade , which created an anti-Western feeling in Africa that helped a great deal in the decolonization of mentalities , the 2020 decade , for its part , marked from the outset a gradual implementation of what can be called the African revolution against neo-colonialism , with the endangerment of what is known as the French pré carré in Sahelian Africa . A French pré carré which , in the logic of globalization or rather the mutualization of Western powers , is also logically considered as an outpost of the United States ,
England or Germany in Africa . This implies that the loss of a so-called French zone of influence is at the same time the loss of an American zone of influence , and of other Western allied forces , even if the farce sometimes combines with the specific interests of some and others .
e problem remains how to deal with the current situation , which is , as it has always been , an artificial manipulation of the global economy to create misery in Africa and reinforce Afro-pessimism and Western messianism , at a pivotal time when Eastern sirens seem increasingly to charm the populations of the southern hemisphere with initiatives that seem more enticing ?
Despite its vast resources and potential , Africa is still faced with a high cost of living due to colonialist mechanisms that foster endemic underdevelopment . What can be done in African economies dominated by the West , which controls both African currencies and the selling prices of the products Africa exports to the West ? To solve these complex problems , once the mindset revolution has been achieved , a multi-faceted approach combining economic reform , investment in infrastructure , regional cooperation and e orts to reduce dependence on Western markets is essential . By implementing strategic measures , African countries can mitigate the impact of external factors and foster sustainable development that benefits their populations .


Flashmag ! Issue 147 January 2024