Flashmag! Issue 123 November 2021 - Flashmag! Numéro 123 (4) | Page 30

How was the reception from the public ? By releasing this album did you bet on a specific objective ? What reception do you see or hope for this opus
Cynthia Abraham : The reception from the audience was very good . I am delighted about it . A specific objective ? No . I surrounded myself better than on my first album . I have two press o cers , a marketer , a booking agent , so as a goal I no longer wanted to be alone to defend this project . I needed a team . I hope this is an album that will make people think , to open up , an album that will bring people together .
Who produced this album ?
Cynthia Abraham : The album was produced by myself . spite the pandemic , what is the next agenda for Profetas ? Do you have any project you are working on right now or some hot dates you want to share with us ?
Cynthia Abraham : There is a very important date November 26 at the Hermitage studio in Paris . Come and discover this album . It ’ s going to be a great evening , I have some date pending regarding Guadeloupe , Martinique and Haiti so stay tuned for more details . As we close this interview , do you have a special word for the audience ? Cynthia Abraham : First a big thank you to all the people who support me . My relatives , my friends , the people I don ' t know thank you , thank you , thank you ... feel free to discover me for those who do not know me yet . I hope we will find ourselves on stage at my concerts Interview by Hubert Marlin - Journalist Collaboration : Karine Lagrenade Photography : Jérémy Bruyère

30 Flashmag ! Issue 123 November 2021