Flashmag! Issue 123 November 2021 - Flashmag! Numéro 123 (4) | Page 13


Africa is sick of the bourgeoisie of tropical kinglets

On May 10 , 1994 , when Mandela came to power in South Africa , many wondered how he was going to get the black population out of the gigantic gulf that separated it from the rich white class which for more than a century had controlled the a airs of South Africa , without sharing . The African National Congress , which started out with Marxist Ideology , will make a 90-degree turn , no longer to protect the poor classes but to create its own bourgeoisie . Mandela and his people therefore believed that they have to create their own wealthy class among the black population to try to pull the rest of the " pauper populace " who lived in the Bantustans , towards social progress .

However , as everywhere else in Africa it is the opposite which occurred , while some black elites were growing fat , they abandoned the rest of the black proletariat , in abysmal distress , and very quickly they taught black South Africans very little educated , that their misfortune was coming from African immigrants who were making them an unfair competition in their own country by stealing all their livelihoods . Thus , will be born a xenophobic stagnation which years later will culminate in the hunt for the non-South African " negro " in several bloody riots which during the decades 2000 and 2010 will come to show to the face of the world , the faults of the various governments resulting from the ANC .
Flashmag ! Issue 123 November 2021