Flags Magazine Volume 9 No 1: March 2014 Issue | Page 17

Activities D ozens of different national flags. Multiple eye-catching cultural fashions. There is a lot of energy when it comes to AIIAS cultural night. Having the theme “Love in Any Language” the program started with a welcome dance by the Indonesian community and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. After the opening prayer by Dr. Dolf Oberholster, AIIAS VP for Academic Administration, the parade of flags by nation set the mood for cultural love and pride. From traditional dances to modernized versions, the different communities of AIIAS showcased their skills in proving that love indeed can be felt and expressed in different forms. May Ann Baragona and Vasco Chinate hosted the program. As the last presenter, Philippines, the host country presented a tribute of gratitude to the international community thanking them for their generosity after the recent super typhoon Haiyan tragedy. The program closed with remarks from one of the Student Association (SA) sponsors Dr. Alfredo Agustin Jr. and a prayer by P. L. Thlenga, the SA VP for Religious Affairs. The meeting closed as the SA thanked God for the rich cultural diversity that is a little foretaste of what heaven will be like. O BY DON LEO GARILVA JR. LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE Myanmar Presentation PHOTO CREDIT: DHANY IRAWAN Indonesian Dance PHOTO CREDIT: DHANY IRAWAN Philippine’s tribute to those who helped the victims of typhoon Haiyan. PHOTO CREDIT: MIRRIAM PAMULA www.aiias.edu | Flags 17