Fix School Discipline Toolkit for Educators | Page 82

 Students! It is a state priority to have meaningful parent, community, and student involvement! A number of Districts solicited feedback from multiple communities, held a variety of community forums and took extra time to reach out to those parents and students whose voices are not always heard in the process. 2) Make sure the district’s plan includes what’s needed to fix school discipline You can help ensure that the district’s LCAP includes the needed baseline data, sets the right goals, and includes the actions needed to achieve those goals. In the LCAP, each school district must,: 1. Create a Baseline for a Needs Assessment82: set a baseline using its existing data on suspension and expulsion rates and disaggregate by student subgroups, including ELL and foster youth, 2. Set Yearly Goals for Reducing Suspensions and Expulsion Rates and Improving School Climate83 3. Include Specific Actions84: the district will take to reach the goals 4. Funding Expenditures85: include the amount of funding that will be spent to reach the goals ARE THERE ANY GOOD EXAMPLES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT LCAPS FROM LAST YEAR WHERE SCHOOL CLIMATE IS A STRONG PRIORITY? Yes. The school districts below made an investment in positive school discipline programs and strategies, have committed to reducing suspensions and expulsions, tracking data, and working with community:  Santa Rosa City Schools’ LCAP includes training for all middle and high school personnel staff on restorative practices and hiring 10 restorative practice specialists to address discipline issues and a goal of a 75% reduction in suspensions and 82 EC 52060(c)(1). 83 EC 52060(c)(1). 84 EC 52060(c)(2) 85 EC 52064(b)(1) 80 How we can fix school discipline  expulsions for Latino students in 3 years.  Santa Ana Unified’s LCAP includes $4.5 million to support school and district operations to create welcoming and productive school environments and to conduct anti-bullying awareness, as well as $1.5 million to for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports training, implementation of restorative justice strategies and instituting School Climate Oversight Committees at each school that include parents and students as co-facilitators.  Azusa Unified ’s LCAP includes the elimination of willful defiance suspensions over the next three years and implementation of SWPBIS in all schools by 2015-16 and tracking office discipline referrals. “To create its LCAP, Berkeley Unified embarked on a thorough and comprehensive nine-month effort to reach out to our entire community, to educate them on the LCAP, and to incorporate the feedback we have received. Our District is fully committed to ensuring that our schools are a safe, welcoming environment for all students.” ­ Berkeley Unified Board President Josh Daniels —  Berkeley Unified’s LCAP includes a system to track and reduce office discipline referrals and fund restorative practices, SWPBIS and other alternatives at the classroom level and specifically addresses racial disproportionality in suspensions for African-American students. Check out the LCAPs highlighted here, access a model school climate LCAP, and our LCAP Toolkit online at! WHAT ARE THE KEY ELEMENTS OF A LCAP THAT FOCUSES ON SCHOOL CLIMATE? Multiple data measures disaggregated by all key subgroups and clear baselines that the community can understand and track! At a minimum, every District must include suspension and expulsion rates disaggregated by subgroups and other local measures, “including