Fix School Discipline Toolkit for Educators | Seite 78

 Utilization of school-wide Response to Intervention (RTI) frameworks at all middle schools and at targeted elementary and high schools, including but not limited to, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Restorative Justice, Caring School Community, and the African American Male Achievement Manhood Development program.  Development of a data system that will track all types of office discipline referrals and out-ofschool removals that can be used to analyze and track progress  Data review at the conclusion of each school year by OUSD Superintendent with principals of VRP schools to examine steps that are being taken to ensure fair and equitable implementation of discipline polices. Click here to view the VRP plan: ocr/docs/investigations/09125001-b.pdf SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (SFUSD) In February 2014, as a result of the work with Coleman Advocates and Commissioner Matt Haney, the SFUSD Board of Education adopted the Safe and Supportive Schools Resolution. With this resolution, the SFUSD Board committed to, among other things,  Addressing disproportionality and disparities in the issuance of office referrals, suspensions, expulsion referrals, and expulsions, all of which result in lost instructional time;  Fully implementing Restorative Practices and SWPBIS;  Development of a three tiered behavior discipline matrix;  Development and oversight process that fully engages students, parents, and community; and  Releasing data detailing what alternatives are currently being utilized and how restorative practices support teams are functioning at each school, along with school discipline data, including suspensions, expulsions and referrals disaggregated by school site, race, gender, special education status, ELL status, and other relevant factors. 76 How we can fix school discipline LE GRAND HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT RESTORATIVE JUSTICE INITIATIVE RESOLUTION On September 12, 2012, Le Grand Union High School District Board of Education in East Merced passed a Restorative Justice Initiative Resolution. In this resolution, the Board announced its commitment to “creating and supporting a culture shift in the way the district systematically responds to students discipline problems.” The resolution is to be implemented at all school sites; include professional development of administrators, school site staff and parents; a redesign of discipline structures and practices; and promote alternatives to suspension. Other states are also putting in place critical reforms around discipline, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Denver have Discipline Codes that were developed with community input, have clear guidelines regarding the types of interventions/other means of correction that must be used prior to suspension, and have been held up as models for helping to significantly reduce school removals and improve school safety. Visit the ‘Research and Resources’ page at to download and read these policies and access an editable, Model Alternative Discipline Policy and Implementation Plan, which incorporates the best elements from policies and plans in California and nationwide. Use this framework and the elements to help you create a policy/plan for your district.