Fix School Discipline Toolkit for Educators | Page 26

that rules and policies are consistently and clearly communicated to the entire school community. We have assemblies with our small learning communities (SLCs) where we review rules, dress code and policies. Our school police officer presents the laws about sexual harassment, weapons, and drugs. We also have a lot of trainings that one of the administrative team does with parents. a break from school or dealing with the issues, is preferable to losing socialization time, so why would we give that to them to punish them? We also offer a lot of services to deal with student issues that arise and come onto campus, including drugs. We don’t kick students out or send them to another school when we see that they are struggling with a drug problem; we try to help them. Crunching the Numbers: In the 2007-2008 Former Social Worker Gelber Orellano: Let me give you another example. We dealt with a little bit of a bullying problem at the school. Instead of suspending, we had sessions with the bullies and the bullied to teach what bullying is, what it looks like and why it is unacceptable. Part of keeping suspensions at zero is making sure you document everything that is happening with the students and that you are completely consistent. For instance, all adults in the school can make a referral to our Coordination of Services Team (COST) for a student having a problem, behavioral or otherwise. The COST referral form is extensive and ensures that a student gets all of the interventions and services s/he needs. After the referral, we always follow-up and make sure to keep open lines of communication about everything that is happening with the students. The COST team has a meeting every Thursday to follow-up on all cases that have been referred. Huerta: Suspensions and expulsions don’t deter bad behavior, what we’re doing does because students don’t want to deal with all the adults who will become involved in their lives when they step out of line. A student who misbehaves is going to have to meet with Ms. Mellado, Mr. Orellano, his or her parent, maybe visit a counselor, and maybe talk to me. They don’t want to do that. Rubalcaba: There was a student who was behind in his work. He then acted out in class and was rude to a teacher. We took away his lunchtime privileges so he had to eat in the Dean’s office and catch-up on his school work. After one day of this, he asked to be suspended. Clearly suspension, which is really 24 How we can fix school discipline Ruiz: It’s a lot of work but the results – improved climate, better student achievement, increased community involvement – are why we are always having meetings and collaborating. school year, before PBIS implementation, Garfield issued 510 suspensions and 2 expulsions. The school’s Academic Performance Index (API) was 591. After implementing PBIS for more than 3 years, Garfield issued one suspension and no expulsions, and raised API to 714. Feel free to visit or call us: Garfield High School 5101 E. Sixth St Los Angeles, CA 90022 O: 323.981.5500