Fix School Discipline Toolkit for Educators | Page 19

behavior. We aren’t allowed to belittle students or be sarcastic to kids. This creates tension because change causes tension but the end results are great. We already are seeing the pay off. My advice to other teachers is that with investing time in PBIS, you’ll reap that time tenfold in instructional time. As teachers, we have a chance to teach differently and we have a chance to teach responsibility and create a good society. What are your next steps for implementation? What is your advice for other educators who want to implement PBIS at their schools or in their districts? Principal Rubalcaba: We must build leadership capacity. It is a team effort and the principal must support the charge but allow the team to lead it. There are also must be systems in place and data plays a major role. Currently, we are tracking office discipline referrals by Excel sheet but we are hoping to move this system online this year. So far, since the beginning of the year in September, we have had 40 referrals. The important t