I ’ m really inspired by the people we work with . It ’ s only been a month since we started the journey to make FIVE a reality , and it has grown from a simple project to an actual legit magazine . It ’ s incredible to work with and surround myself with such creative and ambitious people . I am motivated by the power of photography and imagery . A picture is really worth a thousand words , and can be so inspirational . I ’ d like to give a special shout out to the FIVE fans and followers , Without you none of this would be possible .
Hey guys ! If you ’ re reading this it means you are one of the original members of the FIVE family . Thank you so much for believing in us and in our vision . Along the way I ’ ve met so many inspiring people ! Photographers , fashionistas , bloggers , artists , eccentrics , and the like ! I hope FIVE helps all of you make new , inspiring connections as well . If you have some feedback , I ’ d love to talk to you ! Just e-mail me !
Kara Woodson Co-Editor-in-Chief
Jarrin Stokes Co-Editor-in-Chief
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