Student Outcomes
Through the hard work, skills and dedication of our teachers and
students, an impressive range of outcomes have been achieved
by our education programs including:-
19 students achieving full qualifications in Spoken and
Written English Certificates
28 students achieving Statements of Attainments
14 students committing to continuing studies in 2016.
Additionally, Certificate III students have been able to move to
further education including:students enrolled in certificate in Early Childhood Education for
A student enrolled in a short MYOB course at AMES as
well as Certificate III Aged Care at Boxhill TAFE. This
student is now working full time in Aged Care and has
progressed to studying Certificate IV in Accounting at
Swinburne on –line.
Victorian Government Training Guarantee Contract (VTG)
Throughout the year we provided a full program of foundation
skills training consistent with VTG standards despite our funding
contract not being re-instated until April 2016. This gave our
local members a much needed pathway to our other educational offerings.
We were very excited by to be given a new contract and feel
confident, that with the additional resources, our foundation
skills training will go from strength to strength.
Kathryn Williamson, Education Coordinator