On Mondays we run a Video Club which has seen some excellent work produced. The members of this club are comedy-focused and have
started their own YouTube Channel, so far producing a fake movie trailer plus a series of comedy shorts about failed magicians, inept
gangsters and other oddball events and characters. They are currently working on a narrative-based series about an awkward detective.
One of their key mentors, Joseph, was once a member of the Clubhouse (almost fifteen years ago!) and it has been great to see him pass
his skills on to our young members.
Our cooking program is still going strong with members preparing dishes every Wednesday, creating everything from chicken pies to
meringues, Vietnamese rolls, triple-decker lasagnes, stir-frys and so on. Our volunteer mentors have been essential to the success of all
our programs this period and we would like to thank Christobel, Joseph, James, Bella and Andrew for all their help and continued
The Learn!
This year, we created ‘The Learn!’ program, a new youth engagement initiative complementing
FLN Clubhouse programs, enhancing its capacity to support young people in the local community
to explore and invest in their creative potential. FLN offers an alternative learning space where
school aged CALD people (year 8- year 12) can establish and/or reinforce the knowledge gained at
school in a fun and creative way. The project offers weekly workshops with a focus on developing
skills in lyrics/poetry/song writing and spoken word. Participants learn the creative process of
writing poetry, song structures (i.e. rhymes, verses and choruses) and spoken word using infor-
mation from topics studied at school (i.e. Science, History, Geography etc.). The project is student-
led which foster student’s strengths and ability to develop confidence in learning.
The Learn program facilitator/mentor: Aaron Stephanus (aka 1/6)