Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 4 December 2016 | Page 9

Mind Body Spirit by Dina Voigt Stoke Your Immunity... With Thieves Oil. Creepy Mask Optional. The History Behind Thieves® Oil The Thieves® Oil contains a powerful combination of essential oils, each with their own immune boosting and disease fighting properties. The ingredients include clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils. This proprietary blend was inspired by the famous story of the “Four Thieves” and how they survived the Black Plague with their secret recipe. Depiction of a 14th Century Hazmat Suit worn as protection against the Plague. I t's that time of year again! These next few months, November through March, seem to kick everyone into high gear. With the arrival of the holidays and the winter months, people are running around shopping, attending holiday parties, and traveling to see family and friends as well as taking family vacations! We tend to get less sleep and maybe not eat as well as we usually do, drinking more and coming in contact with many more people on a daily basis. With all of this excitement, stress levels can rise, and our body's immune system can be weakened. With these overloaded schedules and the colder weather, we have to be more diligent to keep ourselves healthy and support our immune system. Studies show that the flu virus lives longer and spreads more in colder temperatures with low humidity. This explains why we see many more flu cases in the winter months. With the cold weather assisting the virility and spread of the virus, it is that much more important that we take extra steps to support our immune system during these winter months. While there are many over the counter medications on the market for flu prevention and treatment, I prefer a natural approach; I use essential oils to support my family's and my immunity. My personal main “go to” essential oil for immune system support, especially during this time of year, is Young Living's Thieves® Oil proprietary blend. Thieves® Oil has been university tested and found to be highly effective against airborne bacteria. The most popular version of the “Four Thieves” story tells of a group of spice traders in France who imported spices from