Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 2 June 2016 | Page 9

M i n d B o d y S p i r i t

Neurological Disorders

What They Are and How Pilates Can Help

By Dina Voigt
Why Pilates for Neurological Disorders ? Pilates puts no impact on the joints . This is important for those with neurological disorders . Because Pilates moves can be done slowly , emphasis is placed on control and precision of movement , rather than speed and high repetition . This helps limit fatigue and keep individuals from feeling over-worked . The mind-body connection required in Pilates helps encourage neurons to fire correctly which teaches self-awareness and creates the
Angela on the Tower of Power . Leg springs on the Tower assist with neuromuscular facilitation

hat are Neurological Disorders ? WNeurological disorders are diseases of the

brain , spine and the nerves that connect them . There are more than 600 diseases of the nervous system , such as brain tumors , Epilepsy , Parkinson ' s disease , stroke , memory disorders , Multiple Sclerosis , Peripheral Neuropathy as well as less familiar ones such as Frontotemporal Dementia and Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae .
Neurological diseases / disorders affect the way nerves fire and activate muscles . This causes involuntary muscle contractions , spasms , slowness of movement and muscle tension . This compromise in the way nerves fire can cause muscle weakness along with a loss of control of movement and balance , not to mention joint stiffness and pain . Stress , low energy , and fatigue are also common in neurological conditions which can affect an individual ' s emotional wellbeing .
Needless to say , neurological disorders ultimately affect the way an individual moves their body , from walking to maintaining proper posture . Due to the inability to maintain proper postural alignment , compensatory muscles are used , and this frequently results in pain in the neck , shoulder , and back as these muscles are working overtime to try to counterbalance and support the body in everyday movements and positions . Impairment of movement , due to inefficient muscular recruitment and communication causes postural instability and can add to the frequency of falls .
All of these factors can make it challenging and even difficult for someone with a neurological condition to complete everyday tasks that many of us take for granted . It is also difficult for those with neurological conditions or disorders to plan and execute refined , purposeful , muscle movements . Enter Pilates . Pilates is an exercise and rehabilitation approach that can provide positive benefits and relief to individuals suffering from neurological disorders . Though widely used in the exercise world for complete , overall fitness , Pilates is also an extremely effective form of neurorehabilitation . Because Pilates focuses on controlled movements and muscle contraction , it is a perfect way improve and maintain strength , coordination and balance . These are all key components of any physiotherapy rehabilitation program for anyone suffering from neurological disorders such as stroke , MS , Parkinson ’ s , spinal injury , etc .
An article posted on The Michael J . Fox Foundation for Parkinson ’ s Research website quotes : “ Medication that compensates for the depletion of dopamine , a neurotransmitter essential for muscle coordination , is the main treatment for Parkinson ’ s disease . A healthful diet , exercise , and emotional support are the key . When Pilates is added to the regimen , patients report improved flexibility , balance , and energy ” - Julie Carter , associate director of the OHSU Parkinson Center of Oregon ability for the individual to choose and control specific movements .
Breathing is also an important component in Pilates work . Controlled , focused breathing is important for those with Neurological Disorders . Deep , controlled breathing , not only calms the mind and helps us to relax , it allows more oxygen to flow through the body , which helps prevent the build-up of muscle tension throughout the body , especially around the neck and shoulder area .
Proper breathing also helps energize the body , reducing fatigue . By taking it slow and combining breath with the focus of movement , Pilates requires you to work with as much “ mindfulness ” as possible toward every movement . The goal in Pilates for those with neurological disorders is not necessarily to perform every exercise perfectly , but to help neurons fire property so the mind and body can work together .
Individuals can benefit from both Mat Pilates and apparatus work . With both mat and equipment work , the body is challenged through different planes of movement in different positions which helps develop good spinal stability , soft tissue flexibility , better postural alignment and overall coordination . There are ropes and springs on the Pilates apparatus that assist with certain movements and range of motion on each exercise allowing one to execute movements that may not be possible without the assist . Modifications are
continued on page 24
Summer 2016 FIT to Print