Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 2 June 2015 | Page 24

Pilates practice. For me it was the best decision I made for my body. Shortly after beginning my new pilates regimen, I became pregnant. Dina began to tailor my workouts to continued from page 9 strengthen the muscle that tend to weaken during pregnancy. We worked for months on tightening my core muscles. I swear that all the work fig 4: Clams (position 2) fig 5: Forearm Plank wonderful option for you during your pregnancy, as your PIlates trainer will design and develop your routines specifically to adapt to your body as it changes throughout the pregnancy. Remember to ALWAYS CONSULT A PHYSICIAN BEFORE BEGINNING ANY NEW EXERCISE A few things to keep in mind and avoid: 1. Medical experts advise not exercising on your back once you are in your second, or third trimester. The Vena Cava is the main vein that carries blood from your lower body to your heart. Exercising in a supine (lying on your back) position for a prolonged period of time can compress the vena cava which can interfere with the circulation of both you and the baby. Many supine Pilates exercises can be modified by propping yourself up in a supported supine position. 5. Balance and Postural Awareness A comprehensive Pilates program incorporates all of the points mentioned above as well as improving balance. It goes without saying that as the baby grows, the body is constantly trying to adapt. Pilates strengthens all the deep stabilizers, bringing awareness to proprioception or "where we are in space", and teaching the body how to adapt to these changes with ease and grace. It decreases and even eliminates back pain and avoids permanent imbalances after the baby is born. made my delivery a cinch! About eight weeks after giving birth, I was back a t Pilates. I was amazed how easily my core muscles recovered. My abs began to flatten and tighten way quicker than I would have thought. Although this was great, the highlight was the confidence that going back to pilates gave me. It made me feel strong. I continued with Pilates through the birth of my second child with the same amazing results; an easy delivery, a strong body and mind. To me Pilates is a must before, during and after pregnancy! 6. Flexibility The aforementioned changes in the body during pregnancy can cause the hip flexors, neck extensors chest and lower back to become excessively tight, which causes compensation, and opposing muscles become weak. Again, Pilates can minimize and even prevent these negative changes by incorporating dynamic and static stretches into your pregnancy routine. And from Jessica Stankard (pictured demonstrating the various poses): I began taking Dina's mat Pilates classes about 4 to 5 years ago at Fitness Incentive. Since then, on a personal level, it has made me a stronger endurance runner and has kept my core, posture and body awareness strong throughout my current pregnancy. On a professional level, as a Physical Therapist, I find myself prescribing my patients many Pilates exercises and teaching them the same concepts I've come to learn in class. It's a wonderful and challenging foundation of strengthening that can be tailored to fit any age, activity level or rehabilitation from injury. I would encourage anyone looking to increase their core strength, reduce low back pain and improve daily posture and body mechanics to take a Pilates class. The health benefits are real and long-lasting! If you are planning to become pregnant, there is no better time to begin practicing Pilates than NOW! If you are already pregnant, you can still safely incorporate Pilates into your life. If you attend a group class, please inform the instructor and she/he can give you modifications to fit your needs, and keep you and your baby safe. Let's hear from Heather Neary: About 8 years ago I began my Pilates journey with Dina. I was skeptical at first , but I was intrigued by all the buzz I was hearing around this Pilates 24 2. Do not lie on your stomach. 3. Be aware of excessive rectus abdominal work into your third trimester. Avoid traditional "crunches" where you are lifting your head forward and curving your spine forward into deep flexion. This can create a separation of the connective tissue (linea alba) of the rectus abdominus, called Diastasis Recti. Although in most cases, diastasis can be "repaired" postpregnancy, it takes a lot of work and it is best to take precautions during your pregnancy and do the best you can to avoid it happening in the first place. 4. Avoid any inversion exercises where your pelvis moves above your heart. 5. Be careful of over stretching. During pregnancy, a hormone called "relaxin" is released in the body. Relaxin loosens the ligaments in the body to help the body adjust to the growing baby and to help the hips move during delivery. You must be extra cautious of your "new found flexibility" during pregnancy. if you overstretch your ligaments, you will cause permanent injury. As stated before, it is important to maintain flexibility during pregnancy, but it is not the time to try to work on developing more flexibility or going beyond a reasonable range. Keeping in mind the precautions above and after getting cleared by your physician, here are a few things you can try at home: Private Pilates sessions are also a continued on page 27 Summer 2015 FIT to Print