Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 2 June 2015 | Page 10

E AT S M A R T ! By Rachel Ezelius, RD Are You Eating Enough? Get It Going and Keep It Going... I f you are like so many your morning mantra is "I am going to eat well today." The weekend was rough, but today is Monday, a fresh start. You begin your day with such good intentions, egg white omelette with veggies cooked with spray all while forgoing any toast, because you aren't eating any carbs. This delightful 100-calorie 5 bite breakfast was your recovery meal after your morning workout. Heading to work you are sipping your almost black coffee (no sugar of course) still chanting, "I am going to eat well today." You enter the break-room to put your chopped salad, no dressing, no cheese, grilled chicken into the fridge only to discover Suzie brought in her leftover homemade chocolate chip cookies. You curse Suzie under your breath. She always dumps her delicious homemade goodies in the office but she is not hoodwinking you today. You are “eating well today" so you head to your desk. While working, you reach into your desk drawer to retrieve a paperclip and you remember that you ran out of them Friday. You can't remember the last time you had to replace paperclips, but while you were in the drawer your stomach growls