Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 1 March 2015 | Page 9

Mind Body Spirit By Dina Voigt New Beginnings 2. Roll down, Roll up Get Ready to Spring Into Action! A s I am writing this article, there is still ice and snow on the ground! As you are reading this, hopefully the crocuses and daffodils are starting to break through the ground. Maybe leaves are starting to pop out on the trees and color is coming back to our local landscape. SPRING! The time for rebirth, renewal and New Beginnings!!! As the weather begins to get warmer and the skies get brighter, our spirits lift, and energy levels just naturally rise. We even start to eat a little lighter and cleaner, perhaps, than during the cold winter months. Spring is the time when we start to venture back outdoors. We start cleaning our yards and planting our gardens! There is a lot of physical movement involved in yard cleanup and gardening, such as lifting, bending, standing and walking. This type of prolonged and repetitive movement can take a toll on the body, especially the back and the joints. As the weather continues to get warmer, we spend more time outdoors and become even more physically active. It is important that we take care of our bodies and strengthen our core to support the lower back and avoid injuries that are common and recurrent, especially during the few months of Spring. I am going to share with you a few Pilates moves that ANYONE can do ANYWHERE!!! These moves can be done indoors or outdoors! The key is to make it a point to do them at least three times a week. It will only take a few minutes of your day and will make a HUGE difference in your life. These moves will not only make you stronger, but they will flatten your belly, change your body shape and strengthen your back! Here are a few things to keep in mind before incorporating these movements into your life. Ÿ Ÿ Always consult our doctor before embarking on a new exercise regimen. Listen to your body. If something Outdoor ideas: Lie down on a bench, or the top ledge of a retaining wall. Lie down at the bottom of your stoop or deck stairs with feet elevated over the steps, for each set of ten breaths, lower and lift legs to steps. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ does not feel right….STOP and reassess your alignment. Stay in tune and focused on each movement. It is all about the form, and the energy. Stay centered and controlled. It is advisable to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth while performing the exercises. Do not let the stomach muscles push out. Things to know: Spinal Flexion is rounding of the spine or bending the spine forward. Spinal extension beyond neutral is back arching or bending the spine backward. Neutral spine is centered. The Exercises How to do it: Sit straight up on floor with legs straight out in front of you. Extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height and flex your spine forward from the waist without collapsing your upper back. Scoop your belly and curl backward, simultaneously bending your knees keeping feet on the floor. Roll halfway down and pause. Raise your arms straight up and pull your abs in tightly. Exhale, lower arms back to shoulder height and roll slowly back up, straightening legs out in front of you as you bring your spine back to neutral. Repeat 6 to 8 times. Variations: For more advanced challenge, try lowering all the way down to the floor to a neutral spine instead of half way down. Outdoor ideas: Lie down on the ledge of retaining wall, bench or even try this on a firm lounge chair. Try holding a lightly weighted flower pot (filled with soil) in your hands without spilling it. Roll Down - Roll Up 1 1. The Pilates Hundred This classic move will help flatten your belly by using your deep stabilizers as well as your spinal flexors. It builds heat in the body and helps deepen lung capacity. How to do it: Sit straight up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Grab a hold behind your thighs, scoop your belly and curl down to the floor to get into position. Bring the arms down along side your body. Neutralize your pelvis and from your belly, lift head and shoulders into a chest curl, where the back top of your shoulder blades are off the floor. Float your arms just off the floor and make little pumps with your arms, small and tight to the floor. Breathe in for a count of five and out for a count of five until you have hit a total of 10 sets (a total of 100 pumps). Do not move the body and keep the pelvis neutral. Roll Down - Roll Up 2 Variations: More advanced bring feet off the floor to table top, straight up to the sky or out in front of you on an angle. continued on page 24 Spring 2015 FIT to Print 9