Fit to Print Volume 23 Issue 2: June 2014 | Page 7

A t h l e t i c Tr a i n i n g by Chelsea Reimer Youth Movement Introducing FI Speed School speed, agility, coordination, balance, strength, endurance and overall confidence. We will be offering private, partner, small-group and team training in which we will design a customized program for our athletes. Through an initial evaluation, we will determine what the athletes' strengths and “The difference between an athlete and a champion weaknesses are. lies in determination and preparation.” Following the evaluation, we will design a program s a former athlete, and now coach, based on what will help each athlete I think one of the most influential achieve his/her goals. We will take moments of my life was when I incremental evaluations throughout was in sixth grade and just completed a the program, to track the athletes' lacrosse game. My father said to me, progress and to make certain each “Chels, you looked like a turtle out athlete is on the right track to there.” I was obviously very upset at this improvement. Jourdan and I will work statement, but he was totally right. I was with the athletes to accommodate a turtle, completely awkward and had no their busy schedules and their idea how to run correctly, let alone run respective sports' needs. As former fast. From that moment on, I made a athletes, we understand how busy vow to myself that I would get faster, athletes are, both in and out of and I kept that vow by running every season, so we will work with the single day. By the time I was in high athletes or the teams to determine school, I could run for an entire lacrosse which times and locations are most game without feeling tired, but I was convenient for them. We will be still not fast. My father knew how much conducting our sessions both on the determination I had to be fast and asked athletes' fields and at the gym. me if I wanted to enroll in a speedThrough our program, the teams that training course. I was ecstatic and began sign up for our speed school will also going weekly. By the time I was a senior have the option of participating in in high school, I got my mile time all the private classes at the gym, such as way down to 5:30,because I had learned spin class, boot camps and other the skills needed to run correctly through various strength-training classes. speed training. So, as frustrated as I Jourdan and I will be offering open might have been when I was indeed a classes throughout the week as well sixth grade turtle, I am now grateful that are not sport specific and are because my father's inspiration has open to all members and nonallowed me to find a love in running. This members! These open classes offer a passion I have for running, and also for variety of speed and agility drills that coaching athletes, has led me to team up are beneficial for anyone looking to with another athlete and coach at heart, get a great workout while becoming Jourdan Brown. Together, at FI Speed faster, stronger and more agile. School, we will work to create a cheetah out of any turtle we come across. At FI Speed School, we will be using top of the line speed and agility At FI Speed School, Jourdan and I will equipment for each workout. Our help athletes to achieve their full sessions will incorporate the use of potential by improving the athletes' ladders, hurdles, parachutes, A Summer 2014 FIT to Print resistance bands, kettle bells, medicine balls, sleds and more! We will be conducting various types of drills that will help an athlete learn correct running form and develop more efficient running habits. Incorporating these drills into workout routines will create faster and more agile athletes. The speed and agility drills we practice will help the athletes to reduce their susceptibility to common sports injuries as well. Utilizing agility drills, athletes will be able to develop the ability to control their bodies during a critical instant of impact. Through these various drills, we will be imitating sport movements, to help our athle ѕ́