Fit to Print Volume 22, Issue 4 : December 2013 | Page 24

continued from page 22 Cor gets carried a Gorilla (Larry Broesler) that is! teaching aerobics. It was what we wanted to do. Cathy: Every day at lunch time, after we had our giant Gemmelli's heroes, we would clean, and that was a workout. Up and down the ladders...we'd do the mirrors every day. People would ask "where's the pool?" Because we used so much bleach on the floors. Cor: In the early days, Ed Dalton, and Rick Campos were the only men at Fitness Incentive. Them and the Siben brothers. Cathy: And that other guy, Jerry? Jerry, the aerobics guy...he used to take our classes. What was his last name? Ken: He was our very first trainer. Cor: He trained Laurie Gilfedder. Cathy: He brought a different perspective in. We were still on Main Street, and he loved all of our classes and brought a different mindset...He was ahead of his time, really, talking about protein, and meat, and no carbs, and general nutrition. Cor: He was really good. He would always help. PS: When you made the move to Main Street, did you bring weight training equipment in immediately, or did that come later? Cor: We only had a couple of pieces at that time, and they were all cardio. We had no weight machines. There were only four pieces of cardio, actually. "Can you please bring in some weight equipment?" they asked. "Please get some weights." And I said to Kenny, "It's time." And Kenny ordered them, our first set of free weights, which we placed on a rack against the window. Ken: And then we got in a couple of leg 24 machines, and knocked down that wall between the cardio and a boutique areas, which opened up the space for a whole run of machines. We added treadmills and we put weight machines in the back area. Cathy: And then there was the Spindrome... Ken: That was the next thing! Jourdie: I remember this! You brought me down there, and showed me these designs, and asked where I thought they should be placed on the floor. Ken: The funny thing about the Spindrome was that we'd gotten it all done—the walls are all black, the bikes are in…but the stage had been built over a monstrous pipe under the floor. It was a long stage, with room enough for three bikes. There was a hellacious thunderstorm. We didn't think anything of it, really, in terms of the gym, but it The flood was like being kicked in the stomach. We had worked so hard for this. This is what we cared about. turns out that this giant pipe was a drain that served the roof...Any rain water that collected on the roof would drain away through this pipe. Unfortunately, as we would later learn, it leaked. It flooded the entire Spindrome. The bikes were brand new! There was 6 inches of water on the floor. Cor: Everything that was placed in storage in that cubby area was ruined. Ken: They had to open up the entire floor to make the repair. PS: That was nothing compared with the big flood in 1992, right? Cathy: When I arrived to open the gym that morning, water was leaking out from underneath the door. Cor: We had to close for two months while repairs were made. Cathy: I was so upset that morning I was almost speechless, the amount of water I was standing in. I was devastated to the point where it was almost like my own home. I called you guys to tell you...But there was no way to say it. No way to deliver this kind of Holidays 2013 FIT to Print news. Cor: Weeks of reconstruction would follow, and some of the key people who pitched in, who helped out tremendously, are still members and still come to the gym. Noreen Wingert, John and Lisa Bachety, Eilleen Boyle, Charlotte Kornahrens. They helped for days. Cathy: It was like being kicked in the stomach. We had worked so hard for this. This is what we cared about. This is what we did all day. I could barely speak to your parents, Ken, crying as I tried ???XZ?]?[H?[?K?]\?H?\???^H??] ?[??H?\?H?[??]B????H[???H?[??H????X?B??Y?K???[??H?Y\??]?HY????K?]???X[H?\?H]][?Y[????????YY ??????H?\?H??]Y?^?[???HY??]?[?H[?[??HY??X[?\ ?\???H?\Z\???\X?H\]Z\Y[? ??????\?YN?H?[Y[X?\??Z[??][??H[??Z\??HH??[??]?[??[?H\??H?]\??]?H?X?H?]?X[??????\?] ???H?^HX\?Y\?Y[[?Y\?????[?\?HH?\??\?H[?[???]HY????]]?\??Y ]??Y][?\??X?HY\[?Y ???[???]?H]\?X\??Y?\?]B????Y\?X[H??\?Y[?[??[????\YY\?XH?H?Z[[??[???[?H?Z[[???[YH??]????]?H?[?????[??\?[?\???[?][K??\?[??\?[??H??\?YH????B?XZ??[???\??X?\?H?\Z\???][??Z?K K? ??????]?I?????[? ???????]?[?YK?[??H?\?H???YY]?[?H??[????\??[\?[??????YH?X????]?\??[??[?]?K?[??]?X?X[H\[?Y?\?][?HY[???X?????\?X?\?[??[??B??[?[?Y ^H?\?H??^?]Y???YB??X???X?]\?H^H]YH?\??X?\???]N?]?\??H?HX\?Y\?[??[??\??[?H?X???^?[??[?[[???][??\?]??Y][???X?X[?\???[???H?]?\??[??[?]?K?]]?\???Y][??^H?\?YX??] [??\?B?]??Y?] ??\[?YX[?H[Y\??[??K?]]?\?H?\??[YHH?]?]??]^H??^Y\?[?[?\????] ??X^X?H] ???X?]\?H?[?[?I?H[?[???[??][???\?Y[?[?H]?H[?[???[?[?[?H?\???????[?[?H?]?[??] ???H]?X?[YH?X\?]\?\?\?\??\???[???\?\\?[?][?I??]?[?]?\?][???[?H\?B??[???\?Y?Y? ???Y][??]?\\?Y?H\??[?\?Y?H?\???[????B?Z?[?]?^KY??H[\?\?[K?[?B??\?[?\???[??K???\??x?%[\?YY\?\?H?]?????[HH?[H?\????Y[??Z[???\??Y8?%?][??[?B??[??H]\?[??]?\??X?H?Y?\??[?\?Y?H?\???[????H[?YY?[?K??[??[??]?\??[??[?]?H?[?[?Y????[?YY?Y?H ????