Fishing Fishing | страница 2

An Egyptian angling scene of about 2000 BC shows figures fishing with rod and line and with nets.

Fishing, also called angling, is the sport of catching fish, freshwater or saltwater, with a rod, line, and hook. Like hunting, fishing originated to provide food for people

Fishing dates back to when people of ancient times began fishing for food. Bones were used as hooks and vine as line. It is an ancient practice dating back at least 40,000 years, fishermen have been able to cross oceans in pursuit of fish.

Early accounts reveal that humans were capable of crossing the ocean 50,000 years ago, such as they did to colonize Australia. However, evidence that mariners fished while at sea sea dated back only to 12,000 years ago.

References to fishing are found in ancient Greek, Assyrian, Roman, and Jewish writings.

Origins of fishing