Fishhound Magazine 011 | Page 2

MaGaZine ediToR-in -chieF RicK PaTRi CReaTIVe DIReCTOR MiKe loWRY eDITORIaL CONTRIBUTOR // MiKe Pehanich eDITORIaL CONTRIBUTOR // niKKi MaRTin eDITORIaL CONTRIBUTOR // Jason chRisTie CONTRIBUTOR // JusTin PaKdaMan CONTRIBUTOR // alBeRTo leon CONTRIBUTOR // John loughlin iii It really doesn’t get better than fishing with your family. Does it? I mean there’s really nothing more pure than the time you spend on the water, without the everyday distractions of your phones, tablets and TV’s. Maybe I’m being nostalgic because I just spent the last 2 weeks at our lake house with the family or maybe it’s the ceremony I randomly witnessed where a family spread the ashes of a loved one into the lake. either way, fishing is so intertwined into the fabric of our families because it bring us together in the purest form that there is. Thanks for letting me get all personal with you for a sec. Ok… woo hoo! another issue of Fishhound Magazine means another box full of baits and the happiest day of the month. Your mailman either loves you because it’s the one day of the month you’re smiling when he shows up or he throws your box on your porch and runs in fear that you’re going to tackle him, again. either way we got a great issue in store for you. The Bassmaster elite Series is coming to a close and we’ve got Dean Rojas gracing the cover and giving you what could be his angler Of The Year tips to catch more fish. He’s a great guy and this could, quite possibly, be my favorite featured story yet. Big shout out to Mike Pehanich for writing such a great article. go check out his website He’s got awesome stuff. This month we’re giving away some fishing rods from Daiwa Corporation and who doesn’t need another rod? Ok you probably don’t need another rod, but we’d all sure love a brand new one. So here’s your chance. grab your Lucky Tackle Box and take a picture with it. Upload it to our Facebook or Instagram page and tag it with #LuckyTackleBox. That’s it! It’s so simple and you can upload as many pictures as you want. So do it all month long and you might end up with a free Daiwa fishing rod worth $125. So what are you waiting for… go upload a pic now! as always be safe on the water & we’ll see you next month. Cheers, Rick Patri editor in Chief FHM