Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3821 Sept 27, 2019 | Page 7

Sept 27 - Oct 11, 2019 VOL.38 • ISS. 21 5 Spotlight On Kayak Fishing... Sponsered by Kayak City in Citrus Heights, CA Kayak City.Com 916.565.1400 Kayaking For Mr. Carp By Kevin Hofer Well, in my goal to land 20 different species out of the kayak I came across an unlikely candidate for new favorite fish. Catching my first bluegill and crappie was a lot of fun and the days were filled with action, but the fights were lacking stamina and brute strength. When I set the hook on my first carp and the drag started screaming while the fish took a long run down river, I knew that I was going to like carp fishing. It took a while to figure things out for my local waters but after a lot of trial and error I have been able to hook a few fish. There is not a lot of interest in fishing for these oversized goldfish here in the US compared to Europe where carp fishing seems to be as popular as bass and trout fishing are here. With the lack of local people fishing for them, information was hard to come by, but I was able to pick up some helpful tips and bait recipes from fellow Fish Sniffers on the FishSniffer.Com web forums. From all of my research I came up with two approaches to targeting carp. 1. The expensive “all out” way, special rods, reels, line, bait and rigs and landing matts 2. My favorite way, the cheap way. Use whatever rods, hooks and a few weights you have and make your own bait. I use a different rod and reel combo depending on what else I plan on targeting for the day but most of the time I just go with my trout spinning rod setup with 6 or 8 lb Maxima Ultra Green. Another nice aspect of carp fishing is you don’t need a huge tackle box full of gear, which is always good when kayaking. I have a small box with swivels, beads, various hooks and weights in different sizes. My setup from mainline goes, small sliding sinker, bead, swivel 2-3-foot leader and hook. The hook will vary depending on what type of bait I am using, I like those tiny trebles for the dough baits and No. 4 baitholder style hooks for corn. When it comes to dough bait recipes I tried 3 or 4 before I found a bait that works for me, though this does not mean I will not try others. One common problem I ran into with homemade baits was keeping them on the hook. I just made slight adjust- ments to the recipe until it’s the way I liked it. When fishing in the Delta where it is legal, throw out a small portion of your bait to get the feeding frenzy going. Then all you have to do is cast out sit back and wait. Though many people call them trash or junk fish they are quite intelligent and hard to catch. You need to be very quiet and not make a lot of large movements; think stalking steelhead in low clear water. When approaching your hole, paddle softly and try not to hit stuff on the yak. Ok so now you’re intrigued and are up for a challenge, so where to go? If there is one species that you can fish for in just about every local water its carp. The Delta is loaded with them as well as the Mother Lode and valley lakes. Even your local park pond will most likely have some large carp, and if you can get access to those ponds in the middle of fancy developments, they can be gold mines. When choosing a spot to fish there are a few things that you can look for to help put the odds in your favor. Water depth does not seem to matter, anywhere from 2 feet to 20 feet seems to work for me. Working the edges of weed lines and overhanging trees can also be productive spots. I have had my best success in the river at the mouth of sloughs. I am by no means an expert carp fisherman, more along the line of an amateur but that’s only because I had always thought of them as an inferior fish not worth targeting. Boy, was I wrong! Carp may not provide the best table fare but if you are a catch and release type of person and just want a good fight with some double-digit beasts than give carp fishing a try. THE TRUSTED NET OF KOKANEE ANGLERS! EGO S2 SLIDER REACH–LARGE CLEAR RUBBER NET. 5 HANDLE EXTENDS FROM 48” TO A MAX OF 108” 5 SCAN WITH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE TO SEE THE S2 SLIDER IN ACTION! JOIN THE REVOLUTION AT WWW.EGOS2SLIDER.COM