Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3624 Nov 10-24 2017 | Page 7
VOL.36 • ISS. 24
Nov. 10 - 24, 2017
Hardware Tips For Salmon And Metalheads
A massive
bright king
taken while
wading. No
boat, no
no stress,
just you,
your rod
and the fish!
A question
got to ask
yourself is
whether you are going to hook those salmon and steelhead ethically or
are you going to snag them?
Spinners And Spoons For
River Salmon and Steelhead
ere in the north state we are en-
joying a very good salmon season
on the Feather, American and Sacramen-
to Rivers. That’s the good
news. The bad news is that
the existence of these fishing
opportunities has ignited an
old contentious debate.
I’m speaking about the
bank fishing method known
as beading, flossing or lining.
For the uninitiated beading
works like this, your main line
is passed through a slinky or
pencil lead weight and tipped
with a swivel. To the swivel a
6 to 12 foot leader is attached.
A single small bead is slipped
onto the leader and the leader
is tipped with a hook.
This rig is casted into a riffle or run in
a salmon river. The weight and hook/bead
are swept downstream by the current and
the leader stretched between them forms
a belly on the upstream side of the weight
and hook/bead.
Salmon face up current when holding
in a river and constantly open and close
their mouths to allow water to flow over
their gills. As the bead rig drifts down-
stream, the leader lodges in the mouth of
the salmon as the weight continues drift-
ing downstream. This causes the leader
to be drawn through the salmon’s mouth
until the hook eventually lodges inside or
outside the salmon’s jaws. When the fish
feels the hook, it bolts or moves and it’s
fish on!
Beading is a method for snagging
fish, since the fish don’t take the offering
voluntarily. Based on the observations
of most anglers the DFW is apparently
willing to overlook this snagging if the
fish is hooked in the mouth or head, but
I wouldn’t try keeping one hooked in the
fins, back or elsewhere.
Beading tends to ruffle the feathers of
boaters that pull plugs and fish roe for
their salmon and many of them would like
to see the method go away.
The beaders often argue that
they don’t have a boat and
therefore beading is the only
method they can employ to
hook salmon.
Most discussions of bead-
ing come down to a discus-
sion of legality, but for me the
issue comes down to personal
ethics. Putting what is legal
aside, ethics are a narrower
criteria that each and every
angler has to apply to his or
her self.
An example of ethics con-
cerns catch limits. It is legal
to keep five trout or for that matter bass in
most California waters, but many anglers
can’t utilize five trout, so they make an
ethical decision and keep fewer fish than
the law allows. And most anglers make
the personal decision to keep few if any
In my younger days, I spent a fair
amount of time drifting beads for kings. A
long time ago I realized that the fish were
almost never taking the beads voluntarily
and that left me at a personal ethical cross-
roads. Ultimately, I decided to quit using
beads and long leaders for salmon.
Lucky for folks that feel the way I do
but lack a boat there is another method of
bank fishing for river salmon and steel-
head that targets biters and it can become
very addictive once you experience suc-
cess. I’m talking about fishing with hard-
ware in the form of spinners and spoons.
Spinners and spoons will take river
salmon wherever salmon are found from
the bountiful rivers of Alaska all the way
down the Pacific Coast to the Feather and
American Rivers. It takes patience and
by Cal Kellogg
Look close…A lot of bank
anglers would put this king
salmon on a rope and photo bomb
Facebook with hero shots displaying
the fish, but in reality, this fish isn’t
legally hooked. It was flossed or
“beaded” if you will. Yes, it is hooked
in the head near the mouth, but not
in the mouth. The fish didn’t take the
fly voluntarily. By the letter of the law
any fish hooked like this should be
immediately released.
This beautiful steelhead jumped
all over a copper wobbling
spoon. Spoons are an outstanding,
often overlooked offering for river
anglers pursuing both salmon and
steelhead. Spoons cast well and run
deep along the bottom, right in the
strike zone of the fish.
For ethical bank
anglers both spinners
and spoons are outstanding
tools for hooking salmon
and steelhead. A variety of
spinners work great for this
work. Here we see a pair
of Panther Martin’s new
Two-Tone Roe Spinners
which promise to be deadly
medicine for both steelhead
and kings