Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3618 August 18- September 4 2017 | Page 3
Up-To-Date and Published Locally... By Sportsmen... For Sportsmen!
San Francisco Bay Map Feature
See Page 16
Vol. 36 - ISS.18
Since 1982
Aug 18 - Sept 1, 2017
“The Magazine for West Coast Sportsmen!”
Haunted Canyons,
Beautiful Trout…
ndian massacres, settlers
butchered, grizzly attacks
and bloodthirsty
Growing up I’d heard
the stories from the old
timers that were born
around the turn of the last
century. In many cases,
anecdotal history was
passed down to the old
timers from their fathers
and grandfathers.
The stories detailed
things like disembodied
native voices singing near
places were Yahi Indians
that had been obliterated
by settlers in the middle
1800’s and blood chilling
moans near a spring in
Battle Creek canyon where
a trapper had been mauled
by a grizzly and left for dead. Legend has
it that the trapper lingered for several days
before ultimately giving in to fever and
Other stories talk about
modern folks hiking or
riding deep into
the canyons and
disappearing without
a trace. Vegetation
tangled gullies and
ample caves in
This holdover rainbow, bolted from the depths of Deer Creek and slammed
the lava rims give
a No. 12 Humpy drifted along an undercut bank.
sanctuary to crooks
Photo by CAL KELLOGG, Fish Sniffer Staff.
and outlaws, in
yesteryear and today. Bears,
the region and I can attest that if those
lions and rattlesnakes! Anything
canyons aren’t haunted they certainly
is possible in those canyons
should be!
where few travel and cell phones
My first experience trout fishing in the
seldom work.
region dates back to the bygone ‘70’s on a
My experiences in the basalt
stream named Nanny Creek. I was around
crowned canyons of eastern
8 years old and my Uncle Bob had taken
Tehama County haven’t been
up fly fishing. This was a pretty alien
sinister in the least. On the
concept to dad and I. Dad did his stream
contrary, some of my fondest
trout fishing with red salmon eggs and
memories come from chasing
Super Dupers.
feisty trout and sleek bucks in
In my mind’s eye, I can still see the
drainages like Battle Creek, Mill Creek,
climatic event. My uncle, young and
Deer Creek and others. Yet based on
strong again, in his 30’s shoots the ivory
more than two decades of research I’m
colored line toward a partially submerged
intimately familiar with the history of
Cal Kellogg
(925) 428-1103
Gearing Up For California Kokanee With
Captain James Netzel!
re you catching any?” asked the
two anglers as their boat ap-
“We have our limits,” replied Captain
James Netzel as he stowed our gear for the
return trip to the boat ramp.
“We have not had a bite,” said one of
the men in a voice tainted with both disbe-
lief and frustration.
Captain James as he is apt to do, spent
the next fifteen minutes talking
with the two fisherman and
answering all of their ques-
tions. He held nothing back.
As one of the
premier kokanee
guides in Northern
California, Netzel
is known for his
expertise and
transparency when
it comes to helping
other anglers. His
seminars draw big
audiences and are
always packed
with fish catching
In between
guide trips, the Fish Sniffer
caught up with Captain James
who was happy to provide the
Mark Fong rounded up this limit of kokanee salmon while trolling with details on his complete trolling
Captain James Netzel this July. If you want kokanee, Captain Netzel of setup for catching Sierra ko-
Tight Lines Guide Service is a top stick!
Rod: Cousins Tackle Kokanee Special
7’9” KC790-2TG and 7’3” KC730-2TG
- “These rods have good back bone so
you can control the fish. They
have very soft tips so you
can detect the bites and bend
them down to the downrigger
so that you can pull up the
slack when a fish pops it off.
The other reason you want a
soft tip is that when you are
reeling up a fish you always
want to make sure you have
pressure on the fish and with
a soft tip rod its a lot easier
to keep pressure on the fish
than with a stiff rod. They
have everything you need in a
kokanee rod.”
Reel: Abu Garcia 5500C
Line Counter Reel - “Line
counter reels are a must. I can
tell my clients exactly how much line to
let out.”
Line: 25lb Fins 40G Braid tied to a
30’ leader of 12lb Gamma Fluorocar-
bon - “The braid/fluorocarbon combina-
tion can detect the smallest of bites. We
Mark Fong
Photo courtesy of TIGHT LINES GUIDE SERVICE, Penryn.
35 Years
CDFW Issues Permit To Kill
Endangered Salmon & Delta
Smelt In Delta Tunnels
See Page 14
Area Reports
Almanor/Bucks Lakes - American Basin................4
American River - Clear Lake.................................8
Collins Lake - Colusa/Knight’s Landing...............13
Lake Davis - Folsom Lake............................. 18-19
Los Vaqueros Reservoir - Redding/Red Bluff.20-21
Rio Vista - Sou thern Oregon Roundup.......... 22-23
Lake Tahoe - Wildhorse Lake..............................25
Berkeley/Emeryville - Fisherman’s Wharf..............26
Half Moon Bay - Monterey Bay....................... 28-29
Peninsula Shoreline............................................30
BASS ANGLER NEWS.................................6,7,9-12
BAJA ROUNDUP.................................................... 31
BULLETIN BOARD................................................... 4
BILL’S TIPS - Bill Adelman...................................... 23
FISH SNIFFER HOW-TO: Cal Kellogg..................... 5
GO FOR IT: Staff....................................................... 2
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR...................................... 3
MAP FEATURE: Dan Bacher.............................16-17
SALTY TIPS Steve “Hippo” Lau.............................. 30
SONOMA COAST - Kathie Morgan........................ 29
WHAT’S HOT SALTWATER - Cal Kellogg.............. 27
What We’re Using
Cal Kellogg - Fished for
rockfish and lingcod be-
yond the Golden Gate from
the decks of the Goldeneye
2000. Cal employed a Seek-
er jigging rod teamed with a PENN Fathom
lever drag reel spooled with 65 lb Yo-Zuri
Super Braid. To the end of the braid Cal at-
tached a 24 inch 60 lb Yo-Zuri Top Knot flu-
orocarbon leader with a dropper sporting an
8/0 hook. The leader was tipped with a 12
ounce P-Line jig and the dropper was baited
with a large white Gulp! Grub.
Paul Kneeland - fished the
Sea of Cortez from Hotel
Palmas de Cortez with Brid-
get Looney, Dave and Wan-
da Barsi of Oak Run, and his
brother Ken Kneeland and Dena Salazar
from Merino, Colorado. They caught yel-
lowfin tuna to 61 pounds using a 7’ Cousins
CJB-70ML Graphite Composite rod with a
Penn Torque 40 MLD two speed reel loaded
with 40 pound test Yozuri Hybrid line, tossing
sardinas on Owner 2/0 live bait hooks off the
28’ cruiser Mi Pistola
Dan Bacher - fished for rain-
bow trout for the second time
this year on the North Fork of
the Stanislaus River. He used
a Berkley Ugly Stick GX2 6’
6” medium action spinning
rod, teamed up with a Shakespeare GX235
spinning reel filled with 6 lb. test P-Line CX
Premium Flourocarbon Coated Line. He
found solid action on rainbows to 16 inch-
es at dark while tosssing out 1/8 oz. Yakima
Bait Rooster Tails in Brown Trout, Fire Tiger
and Rainbow color patterns and 1/8 oz. gold
and black Panther Martins.