Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3814 June 21- July 5 2019 | Page 15
June 21 - July 5, 2019
VOL.38 • ISS. 14
What’s Happening • What’s New
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Barebones Guide Service Provides a Great Fishing Experience on Rivers and Lakes
had a fish on and there were countless
I first fished with Brett
double and triple hook ups. Most fish
Brady of Barebones Guide
weighed 5 -15 lbs with a handful over
Service about ten years ago. I
20 lbs.
remember that day like it was
At the end of the day, Brett says,
yesterday because not only
“Ernie that has to be one of our top
did we have a phenomenal
five fishing trips!” I couldn’t answer
day fishing the Feather River
right away because I had to think
for striped bass but it was the
beginning of a great friendship about some of our memorable days
on the water. For example, we found
that has translated to many
schools of stripers this past November
laughs, memories and epic
and December on the California
fishing adventures.
A happy couple holding up a nice Lahonton Cut
throat they caught with Barebones Guide Service
Recently, I received a call in Delta that produced both quality and
while fishing Stampede Reservoir.
the early afternoon from Brett. quantity. I have been fishing the delta
Photo Courtesy of Barebones Guide Service.
a long time and believe that this was
He said, “Ernie, I am not sure
Nice limits of rainbows for these two
the best fishing as far as numbers
what you are doing but you
anglers they caught while fishing Davis
and size. Both my daughter and son
better stop, go pick up Rick Tietz (owner of Blade Runner
Lake with Barebones Guide Service.
caught one in the mid-twenties, and I
Photo Courtesy of Barebones Guide Service
Tackle) and meet me at the boat launch at 3pm.” When you
even caught a couple that surpassed
receive a call like this from Brett you better listen because
the 20 lb mark. Not to mention,
the fishing has to epic. I dropped what I was doing, picked
there were so many fish between 10 – 20 lbs in this group of fish.
up Rick and we headed to the Feather River.
We have also targeted big stripers on the Sacramento River. We fish with big
I was with two of the best striper fishermen that I know
top water or glide baits hoping the day will produce that one big bite. If we are
and we planned to target striped bass. Brett is one of the
lucky enough to land a fish it usually is in the 20 -40 lb range.
few guides that I know that is fishing whether he has
clients or not. A true fisherman at heart that just loves
Brett and I have also done combo trips for stripers and sturgeon. We fish for
to be on the water. Rick is great fisherman that knows
stripers in the afternoon and for sturgeon during the night. I can’t even begin
how to catch fish and is the best when fishing a Blade
to tell you how much fun it is to catch stripers on top water baits in the
Runner Spoon.
afternoon and then hook up on sturgeon during the night. Sleep for a few
I was fishing with
hours and then start throwing top water baits again for stripers.
great company and I
Brett, I am not sure where that day ranked in our ten years of fishing
was confident as we
together but I will tell you that it was awesome and I can’t wait to do it
approached the boat
launch. It didn’t take
The Spring striper run is almost over so Brett will start fishing Lake
long for us to get the
Oroville for King Salmon, Jackson Meadows and Davis Lake for trout,
boat in the water and
Bullards Bar and Stampede for Kokanee. He will also be fishing the Sacra-
we started fishing just
mento and Feather Rivers for King Salmon in the Fall.
a few yards from the
ramp. This is a day
If you are looking to fish with a guide that enjoys showing his clients a
that I will never forget!
good time and is one of the best fishermen in Northern California I would
We fished a 300 yard
suggest you give Brett a call. Ask him about the Barebones Trifecta Deal.
stretch of the river
This includes three days of fishing on three different bodies of water. How
for about 3 ½ hours
fun would it be to fish three different bodies of water? A different view
with spoons,
and a different experience each time out. I think this summer I would do
swimbaits, hair
Jackson Meadows and Davis Lake because I have never fished them. I
jigs, and the
would also do Bullards Bar since I have only been there once. I would also
fishing was abso-
save a little more money and do a salmon trip in the Fall since the returns
lutely epic. Most
Brett Brady displaying a beautiful 4.5 lb
are expected to be really good. What would you do? Give Brett a call he
of the time at
can be reached at 530-263-4451 or
least one of us King Salmon caught on Lake Oroville.
Photo Courtesy of Barebones Guide Service
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Dept FN059B 19 N Columbia St, Ste 1, Port Jeff erson, NY 11777
• Weighs 51 lbs.
• 11’6”x39”
• Holds 1 Person or 575 lbs.
• Defl ates to 31”x19”x10”
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