Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition 3805 Feb 15- Mar 1 | Page 5

Feb 15 - Mar 1, 2019 VOL.38 • ISS. 5 COVER STORY Brought To You By THE BULLETIN BOARD Fisherman’s Warehouse OF UPCOMING EVENTS February TERRY RAAHAUGE MEMORIAL BIRD SHOOT AT RAAHAUGES HUNTING CLUB IN DUNNIGAN, CA February 23, 2019 - Great food, great fun, great prizes, great shooting, it’s all going to take place during Terry’s annual memorial shoot. The Fish Sniffer staff will be attending the big event and if you love bird hunting you should be there too. For information or to book your spot, give Donna Raahauge a call at (530) 724-0552 March Steve Gribaudo of Galt caught this beautiful keeper sturgeon while fishing the upper reaches of Suisun Bay with Captain Joe Gamez of Golden State Sportfishing this January. The fish gobbled salmon roe and Steve battled it to the net using a Penn lever drag reel teamed with a Phenix rod. As of press time sturgeon remained on the chomp with the best action occurring in San Pablo and Suisun Bay although fish were being landed in the Sacramento River and San Francisco Bay too. The Norcal sturgeon bite should get even better over the next several weeks. Photo courtesy of GOLDEN STATE SPORT- FISHING, Tracy. CALIFORNIA- NEVADA EDITION “The No.1 Newspaper Dedicated Entirely To Northern California Established 1982 Sportsmen!” Published By NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS, INC. The Fish Sniffer P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713 Toll-Free (833)-347-4661 ADMINISTRATION Paul Kneeland....................................Publisher Daniel Bacher.....Editor/Conservation Director Cal Kellogg...........Editor/Media Development ADVERTISING/MARKETING Paul Kneeland........Senior Advertising Director Sheldon Bright.............Advertising/Marketing Ernie Marlan.........................Advertising Sales PRODUCTION Cal Kellogg...................Director of Production Wes Ward........................................Webmaster 3 GOLDEN GATE FISHERMEN’S ASSOCIATION CRAB FEED March 1, 2019-Eat crab and laugh with charter skippers and crew members while helping to sustain our saltwater fishing tradition. The event will take place at the Marin Rod & Gun Club, 2675 Richmond San Rafael Bridge, San Rafael, Ca. Doors open at 5:30. Tickets for the event run $85 and full tables are available. For more information or to purchase tickets, give Natalie a call at (707) 387-9637. NTAC TROUT ANGLERS CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT AT LAKE PARDEE March 2, 2019 - The NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge Tournament Tour will visit Lake Pardee. If you love trout fishing, you’ll want to participate in these low cost events Boaters and bank anglers are welcome. There will be cash prizes, gear raffles and lots of family fun! For more information or to sign up, call (916) 768-0938. SANTA ROSA FISHING TACKLE AND DUCK DECOY SHOW March 8 and 9, 2019 - This is the place to go for antiques, collectables, new and used tackle and much much more. The event will take place at 1351 Maple Ave in Santa Rosa. For more information, call (707) 888-7935. March Continued JACKSON RANCHERIA HOTEL AND CASINO PRESENTS VINCE NEIL IN CONCERT March 22, 2019 - Jackson Rancheria is featuring a performance from Vince Neil. For more information, call the casino at (800) 822-9466. FUTURE PRO LAKE BERRYESSA RESERVOIR BASS TOURNAMENT March 30, 2019 - Be part of the west coast’s hottest bass fishing circuit by signing up for this Future Pro event. For more information, call Vince Harris at (916) 768-0938. April NTAC TROUT ANGLERS CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT AT COLLINS LAKE April 13, 2019 - The NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge Tournament Tour will visit Collins Lake. If you love trout fishing, you’ll want to participate in these low cost events Boaters and bank anglers are welcome. There will be cash prizes, gear raffles and lots of family fun! For more information or to sign up, call (916) 768-0938. FUTURE PRO CLEAR LAKE BASS TOURNAMENT April 20, 2019 - Be part of the west coast’s hottest bass fishing circuit by signing up for this Future Pro event. For more information, call Vince Harris at (916) 768-0938. May KOKANEE POWER PRESENTS THE LAKE SHASTA TEAM CLASSIC May 4-5, 2019 - Big trout and salmon, awesome prizes and a free dinner! For more information, call Gary Coe: (916) 985-4943. SACRAMENTO BOAT SHOW March 7-10, 2019 - Cal Expo - Thursday and Friday 11-8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 8 pm, Sunday 10 am - 6 pm For more information, contact, 916- 372-4239. KOKANEE POWER ANNUAL FUNDRAISING DINNER March 9, 2019 — Come enjoy the annual fundraiser banquet at the California Automobile Museum in Sacramento. This is key to Kokanee Power to support all the pen programs and other funding requests for youth programs. For more information, contact info@ or call (888)744-8150 or (916)985- 4943 RENO BOAT AND RECREATION SHOW March 14-17, 2019- Every outdoor sports and recreation enthusiast will appreciate the Reno Boat & Recreation Expo. It boasts the latest outdoor gear and accessories, adventure and travel, boats, rv’s, camp trailers and more. The event will be held at the Reno Convention Center. For more information, call (775) 882-2222. This is a Free Bulletin Board Send us the details on your upcoming seminar, club meeting, tourna ment or event Please allow for a 4 week lead time for printing deadlines - must be received by Friday two weeks prior to pub lication date email: or send to: THE FISH SNIFFE R, 8421 Auburn Blvd #231, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 EDITORIAL E-MAIL: [email protected] FISH SNIFFER EMAIL: [email protected] 3618 THE FISH SNIFFER (833) 347-4661 PRINT SUBSCRIPTION OR FISH SNIFFER ON DEMAND DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION Read The Sniffer On The Go - On Your Phone, Pad Or Computer 1 Year (26 issues).................................$40.00 3 Year (78 issues)...............................$100.00 Counter Price (Single Issue).................$2.75 Subscribe online at or Call (833)-347-4661 At Fisherman’s Warehouse you’ll find our staff are experienced anglers who are here to provide you with expert advice and customer service. Your tackle is here -- all at the Best Prices! IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE FISH SNIFFER... We Reach SPORTSMEN! Call for info on Print, Digital Edition, Video, & Email Blast Advertising Paul Kneeland, Sr Sales Representative.....(530) 346-8696 Sheldon Bright....(916) 714-4538 • Ernie Marlan....(916) 204-7373 THE FISH SNIFFER is entered as periodical postage at Citrus Heights, CApost office and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to THE FISH SNIFFER, The Fish Sniffer P.O. Box 776, Colfax, CA 95713, All rights reserved. THE FISH SNIFFER (ISSN-0747-3397) is an independent outdoor newspaper pub- lished bi-weekly on Fridays twenty-six (26) times annually, by NORTHERN CALIFOR- NIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS, INC., The Fish Sniffer, P.O. Box 776 Colfax, CA 95713. The content of this publication are for the general information, convenience and entertainment of the reader. Neither Fish Sniffer nor any of its principals, staff or incidental damages, or inconvenience incurred or experienced, related to these contents, and do not warrant their accuracy or reliability. 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