Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine (Fall/Winter) FISH, HUNT & RIDE MAGAZINE (Canada) | Page 44





Drive down any road in your neighbourhood or past a local trailer parking lot and you ’ ll see boats of all sizes , some merely covered , others neatly cocooned in shrink-wrap .

These reminders of summer ’ s fun are in necessary storage for the hard-water season , because every boat and boat owner has to endure the long off-season somehow . Before you break out the skis or sled , be aware of what proper hibernation does for boats and motors .
Of course refer to your owner ’ s manual , but consider these points during any DIY fall preparation .
Fuel stabilizer is your motor ’ s friend . Use it at least in your last tank of gas if not all summer long . Stabilizer ensures that the gas tank , metal or plastic , won ’ t need to be emptied , and the gas will still be good to use in the spring . If you ’ ve just added stabilizer , run the motor for at least 10 minutes to get the treated fuel through the hose , carb and into the cylinders . My small-engine guy says cut down on evaporation by topping up the tank and putting a piece of kitchen plastic wrap over the filler neck .
Smaller motors ( those you can heft yourself ) are often brought inside with the idea of “ safe ” storage . But a warm humid basement hastens rust and corrosion ; a below-freezing environment is much preferred during your motor ’ s winter inactivity . You can confidently
leave ’ em upright , secured and covered outside when drained of water .
Generally , “ fogging ” – spraying an anticorrosion solution into the air intake of a running motor – is preferred to draining fuel from hoses and carbs . With today ’ s low oil-togas mixtures , and injector systems on many outboards , more protection is needed for storage . So fog all cylinders until smoke appears in the exhaust , then pull the plugs in two-stroke machines , put a few drops of oil in the cylinders , replace plugs and turn the engine over a few times to spread the oil .
Although changing the lower gear oil is a good idea any time of year , now is the perfect opportunity . Inspect the drained oil for discolouration : White or light grey indicates water , dark grey a gasket failure or wear , black usually means old oil that needed to be changed long ago , and bits of metal or grit might mean excess gear wear .
These things can help diagnose lower-unit breakdown before it occurs and save a heap of problems and money ( leftover water in the lower unit could freeze and split the casing ). Replace the drained oil with the engine-maker ’ s recommended grade and the engine should readily spring to life come spring .
And then deal with your boat . Whether you flip it over in the back yard or put it to bed at the cottage , don ’ t overlook these details .
Drain ALL water and prevent any more from getting in . This includes the live well , bilge pump and even cup holders , ( don ’ t ask me how I know ). Use environmentally friendly antifreeze such as RV fluid if necessary .
Removing the drain plug is a good idea – but put a piece of steel wool or a copper sink scrubber in the hole to keep small rodents out ! Mice love to build warm cozy nests under the flooring made of shredded seat cushions while they snack on electrical wire insulation . There are many ingenious methods out there for deterring them , my friends , so a mice ban is totally up to you .
Your boat battery can remain outside with no ill effects provided it is put away full charged . Disconnect it ; grease the terminals to reduce discharge if frost accumulates , check acid levels and it ’ s set . And you can extend battery life with a quick charge every couple of months .
For the few diehards who break through crusted bay ice in snow squalls to intercept the last whistlers or buffleheads , and anglers who think muskies bite best at -5 C , I tip my hat and hope you ’ ll keep an eye out for a possibly frozen water pump . As long as you let your outboard idle to warm up and assure that it ’ s venting water , you ’ re good to push off for that next adventure .
You can winterize later .
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