Fish, Hunt & Ride Magazine (Fall/Winter) FISH, HUNT & RIDE MAGAZINE (Canada) | Page 14

Don ’ t put trout gear away just yet

WHEN THINKING of automotive advancements over the last couple of decades , the term “ hybrid ” comes quickly to mind . Shift from that industry to fishing , and there was a demand in fisheries management for a hybrid species of char that could thrive in the everchanging nature of Ontario ’ s water bodies .
Stocked in many inland lakes and now swimming throughout our region is one of the province ’ s most stunningly beautiful and only hybridized game fish – the splake . Named “ Frankenfish ” by some , this unique and often overlooked hybrid offers a year-round opportunity to tangle with one of the fastest growing and coolest looking fish around .
Its natural aggression to strike and pull hard – not to mention the delicious table fare it provides – are reasons to add splake to the bucket list . As well , the a splake ’ s main forage . Since their introduction , splake have improved the quality of lakes with overblown and stunted perch ``` populations . They can grow quite large depending on the size of lake and forage present . Fish upwards of 10 pounds are not uncommon locally . A specimen of 20 pounds , 11ounces caught in Georgian Bay is the world record .
With traits from both parents , a splake can be difficult for anglers to identify . Having almost identical characteristics as brook trout , they are often mistaken for that species . Vermiculation along the back and their tangerine hued bellies and tricoloured fins are just a few sources of confusion . But there are differences . Splake have a slightly forked tail , unlike the “ square ” tail on a brook trout . Some splake also lack the bright “ Halo ” on brookies and grow much larger . Counting the pyloric caeca in the stomach is the only certain identification .
In early October , pectoral , pelvic and anal fins begin morphing into vibrant colours that make splake a preferred species to target at this time of year .
Though they cannot reproduce , instinct drives them in autumn into the shallows in search of
Andrew Beaucaire-Cameron and his brother Anthony with some nice big splake .
introduction of splake to our waters offers more than just benefits to the angler .
Splake were created in a hatchery by crossing a male brook trout with a female lake trout . While the resulting cross was swimming in fish culture stations for some time , it wasn ’ t until the 1970s that Ontario ’ s MNR began seeding select lakes with splake fingerlings to introduce a species of trout into lakes that no longer had a self-sustaining trout population . Because splake are sterile hybrids , there is no natural reproduction in the wild and no evidence of a sustainable splake population in the province . Their ability to adapt alongside native species such as bass and pike make them a top choice to stock in Eastern Ontario waters .
Common baitfish including smelt , juvenile panfish such as perch , and freshwater invertebrates make up spawning locations . During this time of cooling water , it ’ s not unusual to encounter massive schools of splake cruising the shallows . Scout rock points , creek mouths and shoals , because splake utilize wider lake areas to feed , making them easier for shore anglers to catch . Shallow-cruising splake will crush most offerings when presented , and sight fishing is a real option with the help of polarized optics .
Aggressive in nature , a splake can be fooled easier than you think . A spring trout-fishing approach allows anglers to troll and cast without heavy tackle . Cadence is normally determined by water temp , but a steadily retrieved spoon along shorelines is hard to beat . As I attempted to trigger more strikes the last few years , jerkbaits have been a staple in my boat . The twitch and pause is enough to drive any fish into
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