First Words Autumn 2017 | Page 11

Motivation: incentive, stimulus, stimulation, inspiration, impulse, inducement, incitement, spur, goad, provocation

When motivation is not enough, focusing on tiny habits and their triggers, rather than big goals, may be more effective in creating long term changes

Try regular post-dinner strolls around your local park or neighbourhood with your little one: quality time, gentle exercise, fresh air, better sleep - CHECK!

It’s easy to forget

your successes in the bewilderment of early parenting. Keep a diary, look back at your old work appraisals - you'll be amazed how competent

you are really!

Do things that you have strong reasons to do. If you want to do something, then figure out a good reason to do it. If you can’t find one, consider dropping it and doing something that you have a good reason to do instead.

Consider breaking down your task or project into small steps. Focus only on each small step until it is complete. The small successes will keep you motivated, and you can better accommodate your children's needs, without feeling overwhelmed by the big picture.

Image: Donnie Ray Jones