First-Time Investors Guide 2020 2020 | Page 8

Step 1 : Why buy now ?

Where Will You Be in 5 Years Time ?

Nobody got this question right in 2015 : Where will you be in five years ?
I remember sitting with a business coach 5 years ago and discussing my 5 year goals and game plan . Let ’ s face it , there ’ s not one person on the planet today that sat down in 2015 and got anywhere close to predicting what their life would look like in 2020 . No one in their wildest dreams could have predicted how upside down our world would be and how much “ bleep ” would have hit the fan in just 7 months .
Let ’ s be frank though , fortunes aren ’ t really made in times of prosperity and economic growth . Real wealth is made during a recession , or even a depression , which is a potential scenario for our beloved South Africa these days . 2025 is 4 years and 4 months away and some investors would have made a fortune and be smiling , while other ’ s will be reminiscing about the good old days before Covid and the crisis of 2020 and wishing what they should ’ ve , could ’ ve or would ’ ve done … but didn ’ t .
So , let ’ s pretend it ’ s August 2025 . Spring is about to arrive and you are “ today ” + 5 years older . Your young 13-year-old in 2020 is 18 now and getting ready for University , and perhaps you would like to be able to offer them an overseas education .
Or if you have toddlers , your spouse just handed you the fee schedule for Grade 1 in private school and if you are like me , you ’ re thinking : “ is that figure per month or per quarter ?” My entire high school career didn ’ t cost what one of my kids ’ annual private school fees cost .
Now here ’ s the thing : some people will be generating residual income from investments they made in real estate during the train wreck that was 2020 . The capital growth and rental income that has inevitably , and predictably , increased over the past 5 years will allow them to refinance some of their properties , tax free , and pay upfront for their