First Quarter 2024 CTAP Contractor Report First Quarter 2024 | Page 7

The pre-apprenticeship program spans 10 to 12 weeks and includes up to 325 hours of instruction and hands-on training from experienced industry professionals , which go a long way toward opening doors to union apprenticeship opportunities . Rising Sun ’ s staff is particularly dedicated to helping the most disadvantaged get the support they need to complete the program , overcome barriers and find gainful employment . They work closely with many trade unions , including electricians , carpenters , cement masons , iron workers , painters , plumbers , sheet metal workers , operating engineers , welders , surveyors and laborers .
“ All the doors which Rising Sun and Women Building the Bay opened for me are crazy ,” shares Juju Ruiz , a 2019 Women Building the Bay graduate . “ I felt stuck being a stay-at-home mom and knew I could do something more — I loved the thought of being in construction . I was the most indecisive student , but sheet metal chose me .”
Participants develop a range of skills – from how to use math and various tools in construction to carpentry basics , such as framing and drywall , reading blueprints , job site safety and the principles of renewable energy or “ green ” construction . Individualized résumé-building assistance , mock interviews and networking also prepare students for the real world , with several trade unions offering them direct entry into union apprenticeships after graduation .
At both its Oakland and Stockton location , Rising Sun ’ s Climate Careers program trains and employs youth to address climate change by providing energy efficiency services to Northern California households , numbering nearly 60,000 to date . In effect since 2000 , this highly innovative youth empowerment program provides training and employment to youth in the Bay Area and San Joaquin County , where they conduct no-cost “ Green House Calls ” to improve the energy efficiency of qualifying homes within their communities .
Advocating for job equity and quality while advancing environmental sustainability is another aspect of Rising Sun ’ s far-reaching community-based efforts . In addition to working to improve state and local policies and programs , Rising Sun has partnered with an array of public agencies , consultants , and community-based labor , workforce and environmental justice organizations to create a collaborative network known as the Bay Area High Road Training Partnership ( HRTP ). This partnership seeks to create equitable access for workers , job seekers and contractors from disadvantaged groups to participate in sustainable decarbonization construction and employment opportunities which offer livable wages and benefits , as well as safe and healthy work environments .
Rising Sun ’ s Oakland office is located at 1116 36th Street , Oakland , CA 94608 , and their Central Valley office is located at 445 West Weber Ave ., Stockton , CA 95203 . Visit their website or email them at info @ risingsunopp . org for more information about any of the programs mentioned herein . Here ’ s to your success !