First Quarter 2024 CTAP Contractor Report First Quarter 2024 | Page 4



Supporting Women in Construction : An Intro to the Alameda County Project Stabilization Community Benefits Agreement ( PS / CBA ) & California ’ s Equal Representation in Construction Apprenticeship ( ERiCA ) Grants
Although gender-based barriers - including stereotypes , harassment , pay gaps , lack of women ’ s restrooms , higher injury risk due to not having access to appropriatelysized personal protective equipment , little to no accommodation for childcare needs , communication differences , and unwelcoming work environments - still create challenges to participation , women continue to make great strides in the construction industry .
The shortage in skilled labor occurring across multiple industries , especially construction , has created pressure on companies to include more women . Even if much of this greater inclusion is occurring out of necessity , rather than from proactive willingness – the gains being made are real . According to a 2022 Bureau of Labor Statistics study :
The total number of women working in the construction industry has increased by almost 53 % since 2013 .
Women constitute about 11 % of the entire construction workforce .
While sales and management are still the most common roles for women in construction , approximately 14 % of construction workers in 2022 were female .
Currently , 13 % of all construction firms are owned by women , a 97 % increase since 2007 .
A 2019 McKinsey study showed that diversity is much better for companies ’ bottom lines – specifically noting that companies which lead in gender diversity are 25 % more likely to earn higher than average profits . Additionally , a 2021 construction industry survey indicated that 78 % of women in construction love their jobs . Clearly , increasing diversity , equity and inclusion ( DEI ) is a win-win strategy for all stakeholders .
During the last four years , the Biden administration has taken decisive action to help advance DEI and accessibility in federal hiring practices , in higher education , and as part of the Justice40 Initiative and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law . In September 2022 , the Women ’ s Bureau of the U . S . Department
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