First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 9
Small-scale gold miners should be regulated
to curb environmental and health hazards
THE EXTRACTIVE Industry Alliance (EITA) awareness campaigns to educate the miners on action plan when applying for a licence to
in Eastern Province has called on Government how to manage their mining activities. establish their business.
to regulate small-scale gold miners to curb
env ironment a l and he a lt h hazards to “It is unfortunate that small-scale mining, He said it is necessary that the environment in
communities. which can be carried out as a sustainable the sites where a licensed gold miner operates
activity, is conducted by unskilled people with be inspected officially for purposes of
EITA representative in Petauke Ledger Tembo little knowledge on the environmental and environmental management accreditation
before an applicant's licence is renewed.
urged Government to enforce stringent laws on health hazards related to the practice,” he said. small-scale gold miners in Eastern Province. Mr Tembo said mining activities have caused destruction and disturbance of ecosystems and Mr Tembo urged Government to consider
Speaking at the sixth Zambia Alternative habitats in some areas. formulating a national mineral policy that will
Mining Indaba (ZAMI), held under the theme
provide a guiding framework for decision
'Mineral Development for all, Leaving No-one He said unplanned prospecting and application makers in the management of Zambia's mineral
Behind' last week, Mr Tembo said mining of basic mineral extraction and processing resources.
activities have caused destruction and techniques has caused
disturbance of ecosystems and habitats in the widespread land degradation.
“Effects of mining activities
“ e Ministr y of Mines and the local have resulted in destruction
administration should consider developing of productive grazing and
favourable regulations that will include crop lands,” he said.
regulatory reforms for small-scale mining,” he
said. M r
He further called on Government to conduct scale miners be compelled to
T e m b o
a l s o
recommended that small-
attach an environmental
Sep - Oct 2017